Sunday, March 30, 2008
I just wanted to share, and note so that some day I could look back and remember tonight.
Today Tallowood voted on a new Music Minister, Allen Hightower. He is amazing and will be a great addition! His wife and daughter are fahbulous too! Tonight's worship service was kinda a celebration of his coming to Tallowood. It was truly a wonderful night of worship! Children sang, youth sang, adults sang, handbells played, jazz band played, flutes, and some drama from the youth drama team.
It was just one of those moments where I was so glad to be a part of a church like Tallowood. Not only as a staff member, but as a part of the congregation. It is a joy to worship together and see God move. It makes me feel blessed that God has brought me to this place. I am grateful to God for choosing to use me.
To be honest, sometimes I worry that I am spoiled, and that I may not ever want to leave or may have unrealistic expectations somewhere else. But I just trust that the Lord will guide and lead me in His perfect timing.
Until then, I'm glad to be where I am! And thankful for God's provision!
Super Duper: a guy asked me for my # tonight
Super Pooper: it was the cashier at Wendy's...hahahahaha, go ahead, laugh, it's hilarious!
...the traveling years...
March has been CRAZY!!! I was on the road 4 out of 5 weekends!! My poor little car! And poor little me! I'm exhausted and miss just being home! My apartment has suffered greatly because I usually only clean on the weekends so, well, that just hasn't happened.
The good news is, at this point in time, I don't have any plans to travel in the month of April!!! Now, I'm confident this may change! I'd like to make it to Temple to see Brady play T-ball, and see lil Bradley again! Then I'm also thinking about heading home...or my rents may come here, we'll see, that has yet to be decided. So, I could end up being gone some, but we'll see. I'm for sure gone the first weekend in May, so this staying at home is sure not to last tooo long.
My current goal is to stay in town for 14 days in a row!!! I'll let you know how that goes!
Other news:
- we did NCAA brackets in the office...I needed Texas to win today :(
- no more weekend classes in Ft Worth this semester!
- I'm planning a trip to Cali to see my Liesal in late summer/early fall!!!
- helping plan a Fah-bulous Gilmore Girls themed lingerie shower for Lillian...any GG gurooos out there that have ideas on how to make a lingerie shower reminiscent of GG...please share!
- the new outlet mall is open...I'm ITCHING to go get my shop on!
- still plenty of projects with school to keep me busy this month, then a nice summer break from classes!
- VBS training is less than 3 weeks away!
Super Duper: got to have lunch and dinner with 2 different friends!
Super Pooper: car needs oil change, tires rotated & to DESPERATELY be washed...inside & out!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
...consider yourselves reprimanded...
It's kind of addictive to see where people are checking in from. Sometimes it's weird though because its from random places like New York City...I don't know anyone who live in NYC...I guess that's just proof that you are on the world wide web, and you better be careful what you say, because there's no telling who's checking in on you!
So, back to the title of this blog. There are 2 things I would like to reprimand you blog readers out there for:
- You all are not very good at leaving comments. I mean, I understand, you don't have to leave a comment every time you stop by, but it'd be nice if you gave a shout out, so I had some clue who was reading...
- This is where I have real beef...all you blog readers out there that don't have your own blogs!!! It's not fair!!! You get to read our blogs, hear what's going on in our lives, but we don't get to read your stories!!!! I don't mind you reading, in fact, I prefer it, because I'd be sad if I didn't have any visitors, but return the favor!!! Just think, if you like reading our random ramblings, then we'll enjoy yours!! So go on, go to and create a blog! Then come back and leave me a comment letting me know your new url!!!
Ok, I'm done disciplining my readership! Really, this is all in gest, I don't mean to sounds like a tyrant, but please, take it into consideration. Thanks for humoring me!
Super Duper: this weekend is the LAST weekend of my 3-weekend class!!!
Super Pooper: been in a fuddy duddy mood today :(
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Born Wednesday, March 19,
about 2 hours old...nothing more precious than this!!!
Aunt Bubba with her Boatwright boys
PROUD big brothers!!!
Their family is now complete (at least that's the plan...)
Grams (my mom) eating up EVERY moment! Yeah, Blakers wants his turn to hold Bradley!
My mom with all 5 of her grandkids, wonder how long til there's 6???
Thanks for humoring me with these pics, I know, I'm addicted to these kiddos! C'mon, you know my sisters make PRECIOUS children!!! I can't promise I won't post more pics, it was REALLY hard to limit myself!
Super Duper: I usually don't allow my Super Duper to have anything to do with the "post", but c'mon, how can my Super Duper not be - Bradley is here, and healthy! PRAISE THE LORD!
Duper Super: EASTER Tomorrow - Happy Ressurection Day! Our God is SOOO GOOD!
Super Pooper: waaaaay behind with school work, going to be a gross week!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Please pray for healthy baby and good delivery! We know God is faithful and always good! May He bring Glory to Himself through delivering a miraculous healthy baby boy!!!
Trust me, I'll post pics as soon as possible!
Saturday, March 15, 2008 shower for Bradley...
Thanks for letting me be the overbearing Aunt, showing off the kiddos! One more to add to the craziness should be joining us in the next week (or 2)!!! Please pray for a healthy baby and good delivery as there have been some complications and concerns about Bradley!
Super Duper: new Jeans that I LOVE!!!
Super Pooper: haven't started my project for class yet :(
Monday, March 10, 2008
Super Duper: think i did well on my mid-term this morning!
Super Pooper: missing Brady's b-day party this weekend :(
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
...thanks for the concern...
and I found a strapless tank that I think will work nicely,
so I'm keeping the dress!!!
just thought you'd all like to know
Super Duper: ELAINE'S WEDDING!!!
Super Pooper: it might be cold...
Monday, March 03, 2008 do list...
- get pedicure
- figure out what I'm wearing to all "wedding" events
- pack
- study for mid-term
- stay in Temple on Thursday night
- be in Plano by 1:00pm on Friday
- have a fah-bulous weekend celebrating Brian & Elaine's wedding!!!
- attend sister's baby shower in Temple at 2:30 on Sunday
- lose an hour on Sunday - daylight savings :(
- take mid-term on Monday that I had no time to study for
That's my week! I probably won't post again this week, which means my next post will be a post-wedding post, which will include pics, I promise!
Super Duper: bought a new dress for the rehearsal dinner!!!
Super Pooper: might return the dress :(