yes, I had driven the girls to lunch that day (Wednesday, June 3)
yes, we were on our way back from Quiznos to the church
yes, I was driving next to a school bus
yes, the bus stopped to let children out and put out it's "Stop" sign arm thing
no, the 16 year old girl driving a 4-runner did NOT see me stopping
no, she did not herself stop, at all.
yes, she rammed into the back of my car
yes, myself and all 4 passengers are fine
no, the police would not come
yes, her mom showed up shortly to "deal" with the situation
no, her mom did not want to use insurance and offered to pay outright for the damages
no, I wasn't sure if this was ok, and yes, I felt uneasy about it
yes, we exchanged phone numbers and said we would "be in touch"
yes, I called my dad and he told me where to go to get an estimate for the damages
no, it was not convenient to have to take care of this the week before VBS
yes, I was surprised when they quoted $4300 worth of damages
no, the girl's mom was not happy when I told her the amount
no, I didn't want to go get a second estimate at her auto shop of choice, as she requested
yes, I did it to make her happy so that she could see that I wasn't trying to get an unreasonable amount of money from her
yes, I prayed that God would take care of this and that I would be able to maintain a Christ-like attitude in dealing with this family, yet still be treated right and have everything work out
no, I did not sleep well that night
yes, I was nervous to get the second estimate, what if it was half the price and then the lady refused to pay me the price my place had quoted?
yes, the lady was shocked when her place quoted $500 higher than my place
no, the lady didn't want to fork over that kind of cash, so they decided we would file with their insurance company
yes, i spent about an hour on the phone with her insurance company
yes, my car is going to the shop tomorrow and the insurance guy is going to assess the damages and it is highly likely that my car is going to be considered "totaled" even though the damage doesn't look that bad
yes, I'm probably getting a new car out of the whole deal
yes, I LOVE having my dad in the car industry, very handy!!!
yes, this is a crazy chain of events, especially with all that I'm dealing with for VBS!
yes, I'll keep you posted
Oh goodness my friend! Glad everyone is okay. At least its a good excuse for a new car!! Hope the next week or so goes by smoothly!!
so sorry about the wreck. But at least you will probably get a new car!
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