Thursday, May 26, 2011

...who I am...

I feel the need to post more often, so, since I can't seem to come up with much exciting, or creative or have any new pictures to share...I thought I would borrow this from my friend Lindsay's blog:

I am...Kasey.  I am a Preschool Minister.  I am 28 years old.  I am single.  I am an aunt, a daughter, a sister.

I find the man that God has prepared for me to be my husband!

I amazing family whom I love VERY much!

I wish...I went on more vacations!

I hate...being stressed out! I wish I could live in a stress-free world!

I fear...losing a loved one.  I have never really lost someone that I am really close to, thank you

I own voice all the time...yes, I'm a talker, and should learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes.  My momma always told me that my mouth would get me in trouble some day...

I search...for God's will for my life and what He wants for me!

I wonder...what my life will look like in 5 years!
I regret...very little, maybe this is idealistic of me, but I don't really believe in regret.  I guess I regret that I don't read more.

I new house! God was so good in blessing me with it!

I see my nieces and nephews more often! Seriously miss them!

I always...wear make-up! This is drastically different from when I was in college, but now I can't leave home without it!

I to someone in my family on the phone every day (and none of them live in Houston).

I am not...good at keeping my house clean.  The laundry, the dishes, the's unending!

I dance...shamelessly and any chance I get!!!

I sing...OFTEN and LOUD! In the car, in the shower, at church, in the grocery store...I'm sure its obnoxious to those around me, I always seem to have a song stuck in my head, so I choose to share it with others.  Most recently, it is often "BECAUSE YOU'RE AMAZING...JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!!" In all caps because yes, I sing it at the top of my lungs!

I never...thought I would be living the life I am today! Thank you God for the blessings in my life and the journey you have brought me through!

I sometimes...wish I were more spontaneous! I've become so much of a planner that I rarely do something spur of the moment, like I used to in college!

I cry...rarely.  Seriously, it's a fault of mine.  I wish I could cry more.  We're talking 3-4 times a year...max.  I have started to where my eyes will well up more often, like at a wedding or funeral, but if you've ever seen me with tears running down my face, know that it's a rare sight.

I am not always...sarcastic, but people probably think I am! ha!

I Words With Friends more often than I would like :(

I am politics, Int'l affairs, get the gist!

I need...very little.  The truth is I am very blessed and hope to not take that for granted!

I more often!

Who Are You?

Leave me a comment and let me know if you decide to do this!
Hope you enjoyed this fun little game!


Teresa said...

I like this! I think I am going to do it too. And I am glad you posted, I have missed your blogs. :)

Jess Ray said...

Yay! I liked this, too! So fun! Love you KB!