Saturday, January 14, 2006

...I've been tagged...

I feel ever so privileged to have been tagged by the one and only, Elaine Diane Caldwell. You may be asking yourself, what is tagging in the blogging world? Well, allow me to explain:

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself", and people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose the next person to be tagged and list his/her name. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" on his/her blog and tell them to read yours.

So, now that we all understand, let the games begin, or rather I should say continue, seeing as how many others have been tagged before myself.

5 Weird Habits of Me, Kasey:
  1. I'm obsessed with splitting the split ends of my hair. Any time I'm bored, especially if I'm sitting at a red light, I sit there and look for split ends. When I find one, I split it. It makes me super happy if it splits all the way up the hair shaft. I know, weird.
  2. I hate keeping a large amount of emails in my in box. I constantly clean it out and delete any unneeded emails. Usually I only keep as many can be displayed on the first page. If there are so many emails that there are Multiple pages of emails, it greatly bothers me.
  3. Some time ago I randomly decided that it was gross to touch the toilet handle in any public bathroom, so I always, always use my foot now. No matter how high the flusher is, I use my foot to flush. This often times requires me to do quite a high kick, but its worth it. Although, recently I decided that the lock on the stall is touched by the same hands that just wiped, and that grossed me out...I don't think my feet will do me any good with that problem. Let me know if you have any solutions (other than just washing your hands after touching the lock, which I do overly thoroughly)!
  4. I'm not sure how "weird" this is, but when I leave a tip at a restaurant, I have to make the total bill an even number. For example, if my bill is $7.48 I would leave a tip of either $1.52 or $2.52, depending on the service, bringing my bill to an even $9 or $10.
  5. Again, not sure how weird this is, and many of you already know it, but I can't wear plain clothes. Well, let me explain. At least one part of my outfit for the day has to be fun. Either a sparkley belt, pink shoes, or fun textures on my shirt. Simply wearing black pants and a plain cardigan doesn't work for me. If I were to do something simple like that I would have to jazz it up with fancy jewelry or bright shoes.

Okay, there you have it. I know those got kinda lame towards the end, but it was kinda hard. I guess I'm not at weird as I thought I was. All I know is, I'm not normal.

I'm going to break the rules and tag 2 people, I couldn't decide. So Liesal and Kristy, it's your turn, go go go!!!

Super Duper: Its getting a lil cooler, maybe I'll get to wear my new coat!

Super Pooper: Apartment still needing some work (but I did get Christmas down...That's something!)

Have a great day friends!


mbh said...

I totally make the bill even, too. Last night at dinner had a conversation about it. Apparently more people than I thought do this. But then again, I'm weird and know some weird people...the verdict is still out.

Kristy said...

you and i have a lot of the same "weird things" about ourselves. It is going to be hard for me to be original. But I shall try.