Saturday, November 13, 2010 thirteen, these jeans you've seen...

Today was yet another shopping day, in which I needed comfy shoes and casual clothes, which as you know, is a bit challenging with the 30 items I selected.  I'm going to go ahead and apologize that you are seeing the jeggings again just 2 days later, but as I said, limited options.  I am pleased with the outfit and feel I must point out one special accessory: the Vera Bradley travel belt.  Yes, it's a travel belt, not a fanny pack.  And for wearing said travel belt I will not apologize.  For you see, today was a hard core shopping day at the Nutcracker Market.  Which was about an 8 hour shopping venture in Reliant Convention Center, lots and lots and lots of people, lots of walking, lots of vendors = soooo nice to not have to carry a purse.  I repeat, I will not apologize, and yes, I repeat, I felt cute!

Yes, I'm sitting in the middle of an aisle...that's how bad my feet hurt!

Here is a close up of my travel belt.  I wore it proudly!

tiiiiiired feet

My mom bought me this bracelet as an early birthday present! I LOVE IT!  It's continuing my pseudo rock 'n roll style that has surfaced as of late! ha!

ok guys, it's been a long day, that's all I got in me...

1 comment :

Elaine said...

Love that you are rocking jeggings with flats. Never would have thought to try it, but now I will with the cuff! Perfect.