Sorry for my extended absence. I feel like I say that every time...sigh...
Anywho, I know we all love pics, so here is an iPhone dump to give you a little taste of what I've been up to for the past 2 months. Sorry they aren't in order...just deal!
My 2 year old niece, Macie, showing off the Toms I got her for her birthday while we were in Corpus at my parent's house for Christmas.
Bradley loving on his cousin Sloanie!
Yes, I tried the Spicy Ketchup @ Whataburger. Like it, don't love it...changes the flavor too much.
My parents with 3 of their grandkids on Christmas Eve at our Home Church.
6 out of the 7 of my nieces & nephews on Thanksgiving day after they did the annual Cousin Parade and 1st ever reenactment of the 1st Thanksgiving!

Celebrating my birthday with Jamie @ Cheesecake Factory!
These precious kiddos from church came to my house on the hunt for their Gingerbread Man! He had run away from their house. They had gone to 3 or 4 other houses looking for their run away felon, when they found him at MY house! We had to eat his legs to make sure he didn't run off again!

Canton weekend with my girls!!!! AWESOME get away! Yes, go ahead, laugh, I'm wearing a travel belt...but it's SOOOOOoooo practical on long shopping days like that!
I got a sewing machine for Christmas...who thinks I'll have any clue how to use it by next Christmas?
All ready for our Baylor Alamo Bowl watching party (yes, that's a Baylor watch you see on my wrist!)
Waiting at the airport with a special sign to greet Kelly & Sloane when they returned to Texas from Utah!
Cute cousins getting ready for the Thanksgiving Cousin Parade.
During our girls weekend we headed up to McKinney to see
Kendi's shop! I made the girls take a pic with her even though they were super embarrassed!
The boys LOVED "babysitting" Sloane, and she LOVED them!
The day before I left for Thanksgiving, Rebecca and I ran around town and ran a few errands...and happened to be by Crave cupcakes, we had no choice but to stop in and get one!
I just returned from a 2 day retreat with the entire Ministry staff @ Tallowood! Let's just say we love to play together, but that doesn't mean it doesn't get competitive!
Sweet Sloanie using the blanket I got her for Christmas!
That's a pretty good wrap up! Here's to hoping I blog again soon!
Happy 2012!