Thursday, November 17, 2005

...things i've learned since i moved to houston...

***how to navigate a tollroad***

***how to be okay with hanging out alone at the apt (even on a friday night)***

***how to blog***

***how to start over, make new friends***

***how to lead and follow at the same time***

***how to work full time and go to seminary***

***what friends are real friends and make an effort (even if you're on the other side of the country) to keep in touch***

***what it means to work every weekend***

***how to balance "vacation" time (only 10 days a yr!!!)***

***how fun it is to live alone***

***that it takes exactly 2.5 hrs to get to my sister's in Academy and 3.25 hrs to get home (yes, I still call that home, I think I always will, at least til I have my own family) to CC***

***that eating out for lunch every day of the week adds up***

***that it takes at least 20 mins just to get a burger near my apt***

***that you have to make a huge effort to hang out with people, sometimes a close friend can live 30 mins away, easily***

***how to balance a budget***

***how much I miss my friends***

***how I need someone to motivate me to work out (I'm helpless on my own)***

***that it sucks if your neighbor smokes (the smell comes through my bathroom air vent)***

***that its next to impossible to hang things on the wall by yourself***

I'm sure I've learned more, but that's all I can come up with right now. Till next time...

Super Duper: a whole week of vacation with my family
Super Pooepr: boys


Elaine said...

HaHaHa. I didn't see yours beforehand...I actually wrote this one a few days ago and was waiting to post it on a day that I had nothing else to say ( : Yup, I'm a big blog dork!!

Anonymous said...

Oh the fun we had hanging all those curtains! :) Can't believe that was almost a YEAR ago!!!