Sunday, March 04, 2007

...we create our present situation...

That's right. My dear friend Rebecca and I were talking one night about how all our friends were getting married or moving or having babies and how our group of friends was becoming smaller and smaller. As much as we love married people, they don't feel the need to be as social as single people do, it's just a fact. So we decided we would create a new group of friends for ourselves. I know, this sounds ridiculous, but we're going to attempt to do this.

Our first gathering is going to be this Friday. We came up with a list of people, young fun singles that we thought would be fun to hang out with. So, as funny as this may sounds, we're hoping this group will start regularly hanging out and just kind of become a group that does stuff together...we'll see.

I'll let you know how it works out so that the rest of you out there can learn what to do or what not to do when starting a new group of friends.

I know, I know, usually you don't intentionally select a group of people like this. It usually works best if groups form naturally, but the problem is that there are several (not tons, but several) singles that we know, but they never hang out. Our hypothesis is that the only reason these people never hang out is because no one ever plans anything. So we are going to make sure things get planned.
We kind of figure, what's the worst that could happen, one or two nights of awkward conversation with a random group of people? I think we can handle that.

We'll see how this works. I'll keep you posted.

Super Duper: 2 out of 3 weekends down for my weekend parenting class (no, I'm not becoming a parent any time soon, just a requirement for my MACE degree)
Super Pooper: My friend, Lillian's, grandma passed away on Friday.

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