Monday, May 28, 2007

...complete exhaustion...

Well, Will & Kristi's wedding was wonderful and fun!! So glad I was able to be there. I love them and both of their families so much, it was such a joy to be a part of it. Turned out Rebecca and I were house party too!!! Fun times!

I'll post some pictures, maybe, depending on the week...

Pray for me as VBS is now less than a week away!!! I'm sure all the details will come together, I'll just be glad when I've made it to this time next week. The stress will be over and I'll be able to sit back and enjoy the week of VBS!

Catch ya on the flip side.

Super Duper: My friends and I went and left 1600 dixie cups of water covering Will & Kristi's apartment!!! Welcome home guys!!!
Super Pooper: Need to catch up on my sleep...long weekend...little sleep...not very smart 1 week before VBS.

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