Monday, November 05, 2007

...homecoming '07...

photo chronicle of this past weekend

Lillian and I at the top of the new Brooks Village Lookout Tower. Look close - that's Pat Neff in the background! This may be one of my new fave pic!

This is the new Brooks Village mess hall. It's old school style and REALLY nice! Some people say it looks like Harry Potter, but I haven't seen any of the HP movies, so judge for yourself. We thought for some reason that we needed to look contemplative in this picture, we're dorks, I know!

My dear friend Emily, obviously we're at the bonfire.
Just one thing missing...our Lainey Di!!!

My niece, Ashlyn, and nephews, Blake, Brady and Cole (L to R)! Yeah, they're all decked out for the Baylor Homecoming Parade!

Don't get these group shots very often, and yes, we didn't manage to get everyone looking at the same time. But this is all 4 sisters and all 4 cousins, with one on the way!!! Sic 'em bears!

I had to include this one!

It's my brady boy being a ferocious Baylor Bear!

Super Duper: Feel pretty good about the test I had today...and more importantly, ITS OVER!!!

Super Pooper: please pray for my sister. They found fluid on the Baby's brain...this is no good. Could be a precursor for other complications. Please pray, I'll keep you posted!

1 comment :

Kristy said...

So so sorry we never met up this weekend. I miss you and it stinks we didn't get together!