Sunday, July 20, 2008

...blended worship???

Some of you may be aware, others not, that my church is about to move into a new worship center this coming October. This has been a long process, and we are all excited as we anticipate this momentous occasion.

So, here's a look into church life logistic and how everything isn't roses & candy all the time.

Currently my church offers 5 services each weekend (plus Sunday night).

Saturday Night - contemporary
Sunday morning - 8:00 - traditional
Sunday morning - 9:30 - traditional in the Sanctuary
Sunday morning - 9:30 - contemporary in the gym
Sunday morning - 11:00 - traditional

yes...its crazy! especially having 2 services at the same time. Yes, the same pastor preaches all 5 services live! So, with the excitement of moving into the new Worship Center in October, comes deciding what our worship schedule will look like. The whole point of a new worship center is to no have 2 services going on at the same time. The current plan is to do away with the traditional service at 9:30, asking those people to choose 8:00 or 11:00. Sounds simple, sounds like everyone would be happy? If only it were that simple!

I won't give all the logistics, just know that it gets complicated when you start considering various Sunday School classes (of all ages) and then worship style preferences in the same mix. Its a mess and has made many people upset.

So, today in an attempt to make some people happy, we tried blended worship, truly combining both 9:30 services, some traditional aspects, some contemporary. I personally LOVED it!! It was amazing, glorified God and truly used many people's talents to worship God!

The problem, I don't think everyone felt the same way! So, we'll see. I honestly don't know what's going to happen! We're definitely experiencing some growing pains, and its not easy. Some people are very upset and may leave the church over it, which is unfortunate. We'll just have to seek God's will through this process!

I'll keep you posted.

Super Duper: bought a new giraffe print purse that I've been wanting for a while!
Super Pooper: still don't know what classes I'm taking next semester :/


arkreynolds said...

I found your blog through a friend, and this title caught my eye. Since moving to TX one thing my husband and I have not been able to agree on is church. I like contemporary and he likes traditional and since it is hard to find a combined service we just haven't been going. Blended sounds good to us. Keep us posted.

claymonster said...

Some poor giraffe... gave its life... (sob)...