today marks 3 years that I've been blogging. Honestly, that's kind of crazy to me! I still feel new to this whole online journal thing, but all in all, I love it!!! It's so fun to look back and see what I was doing this time last year, 2 years ago, 3 years, take a walk with me down memory lane...
1 year ago I was... Ft. Worth for a weekend class
...had gone to my Blake's 2nd birthday party
...had just found out that my sister was having another baby!
...I was playing intramural volleyball with the singles at First Houston
...had just started my 5th semester of seminary
2 years ago I was...
...desperately wanting to hear from God
...had gone to a Kelly Clarkson concert and refound my love for her music
...was fighting off a mean cold
...was starting my 3rd semester of seminary
...they had just torn down a lot of the buildings at Tallowood
...was sad because Lillian & Kristi had been some of the summer interns and they had left me!
3 years ago I was... to the blogging world
...celebrating the birth of my nephew!
...enjoying the new purchase of my first couch ever!
...had only been at Tallowood about 9 months
...had survived my first VBS at T-wood
...had just started my first week of seminary *wow, that takes me back!
...Katrina was about to hit
wow, craziness that changes in one year's time! thanks for joining on that trip down memory lane!
here's what's going on today:
...about to start my 7th semester of seminary (hope to finish Dec 09)
...we're now in the new building at Tallowood
...went to Temple last weekend for Blake's 3rd birthday party
...making plans for Kelly's wedding in March
...going to Cali next week!!!!!!!
...bought a cute new dress from New York & Co 2 sweet sweet notes in the mail today!
Super Duper: turns out I'm taking classes on Thursdays, so now I get to go to lunch bunch on Tuesdays!
Super Pooper: the Olympics are over
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thank you ALL for your input. I'm still looking at some other dresses, but dress #1 is in the running, sorry Cliff....I think I've decided dress #2 is too dressy. I want something fun with personality and still beachy-ish. I'll keep ya'll posted.
Little update. Last weekend I was in Dallas for a Children's Ministry Summit. It was super fun to be with my new Children's Min friends! Also good to get some new ideas! Always re-energizes me to go to those sessions!
This week is my intern's last week. Man, I'll miss having someone to shove all of the menial jobs off on to! :( haha!
I'm headed to Temple this weekend for Blake's 3rd birthday party! Should be fun! These kids are getting so big! Friday...I'm off to CALIFORNIA to see my LIESAL!!! Can't wait!
That's about it! Thanks for reading...sorry this is a bit lame. Stick around its sure to get more exciting...right? Let's hope so!
Super Duper: I straightened my hair today for the first time since the chop, and loved it! I'm excited to have another way to style my hair!
Super Pooper: I found out today that my professors for this semester are no bueno! booo
Super Super Pooper: My classes are on Tuesday afternoons, which means I'll be missing lunch bunch for this semester! soooooooo sad!
Little update. Last weekend I was in Dallas for a Children's Ministry Summit. It was super fun to be with my new Children's Min friends! Also good to get some new ideas! Always re-energizes me to go to those sessions!
This week is my intern's last week. Man, I'll miss having someone to shove all of the menial jobs off on to! :( haha!
I'm headed to Temple this weekend for Blake's 3rd birthday party! Should be fun! These kids are getting so big! Friday...I'm off to CALIFORNIA to see my LIESAL!!! Can't wait!
That's about it! Thanks for reading...sorry this is a bit lame. Stick around its sure to get more exciting...right? Let's hope so!
Super Duper: I straightened my hair today for the first time since the chop, and loved it! I'm excited to have another way to style my hair!
Super Pooper: I found out today that my professors for this semester are no bueno! booo
Super Super Pooper: My classes are on Tuesday afternoons, which means I'll be missing lunch bunch for this semester! soooooooo sad!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
...your thoughts...
I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to wear to my sister's wedding. Yes, it's next March, but I need to figure out what I'm wearing now, because its tropical and I need a Spring/Summer dress, so I need to be looking now. Oh, and she wants us to wear her colors, raspberry & teal. So, here are some of the dresses I'm looking at. Let me know which one you like best!

Dress #1 (this is a teal color):
Dress #2, (same teal color, and the sash would be a lighter turquoise color):
Dress #3 (deep fushia = raspberry):

Dress #2, (same teal color, and the sash would be a lighter turquoise color):

Dress #3 (deep fushia = raspberry):

dress #4 (same raspberry color):
K, lemme know what you think!
Super Duper: Preschool Splash Day tomorrow!
Super Pooper: bills bills bills
Saturday, August 09, 2008
This may be more detail than you need, but I'd like to catalog the past 2 weeks and the events surrounding the end of my Mamaw's life.
2 weeks ago I was in Dallas and we got word that my grandmother was in the hospital. She had been diagnosed with pneumonia. Something happened to cause her to lose her ability to swallow. They were not sure if she had had a stroke, causing her to forget how to swallow, in which case she would be able to relearn how to swallow, or if some of her brain cells had atrophied, meaning she would never be able to swallow again.
In either case, my dad and his siblings had to make the decision of whether or not to give her a feeding tube. She had ALWAYS told my aunt that she DID NOT want a feeding tube. But, for many many reasons, they all agreed to try the feeding tube to see if she could regain strength and then relearn to swallow and be able to gain nutrition on her own again some day, without the feeding tube (this was a best case scenario).
Most of you don't know my Mamaw, but she was a very stubborn, strong willed person. She had strong opinions on things and was not shy about it. Because of this, she was extremely aggitated in the hospital, for which reasons they had to sedate her many times while she was in the hospital. She was not able to talk, but was somewhat aware of what was going on. Once she realized that they were giving her a feeding tube, it is the belief of my family, that she gave up.
My grandmother lived a long life in which she was faithful to the Lord. Trust me, if you ever met her, she was asking you if you knew Jesus. She always had several tracks in her Bible, and was an amazing prayer warrior! I am eternally grateful for her life and the importance she put on passing down her faith to her children and her grandchildren. Because of her, all 3 of her children are followers of Jesus, and between the 3 of them, they have raised 10 Christ followers as well!
I can only hope some day that I can pass on the spiritual heritage that she handed down to my dad, my sisters and my cousins as well!
The Lord called her home on August 1, 2008. I am grateful that the Lord kept her from suffering and gave peace to all of us that she had lived a full and long life honoring to the Lord! Of course we will miss her, but rejoice in knowing that we will see her again in Heaven!
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS for my family over the last few weeks.
Super Duper: THE OLYMPICS!!!
Super Pooper: My throat started hurting today...boooooo!
2 weeks ago I was in Dallas and we got word that my grandmother was in the hospital. She had been diagnosed with pneumonia. Something happened to cause her to lose her ability to swallow. They were not sure if she had had a stroke, causing her to forget how to swallow, in which case she would be able to relearn how to swallow, or if some of her brain cells had atrophied, meaning she would never be able to swallow again.
In either case, my dad and his siblings had to make the decision of whether or not to give her a feeding tube. She had ALWAYS told my aunt that she DID NOT want a feeding tube. But, for many many reasons, they all agreed to try the feeding tube to see if she could regain strength and then relearn to swallow and be able to gain nutrition on her own again some day, without the feeding tube (this was a best case scenario).
Most of you don't know my Mamaw, but she was a very stubborn, strong willed person. She had strong opinions on things and was not shy about it. Because of this, she was extremely aggitated in the hospital, for which reasons they had to sedate her many times while she was in the hospital. She was not able to talk, but was somewhat aware of what was going on. Once she realized that they were giving her a feeding tube, it is the belief of my family, that she gave up.
My grandmother lived a long life in which she was faithful to the Lord. Trust me, if you ever met her, she was asking you if you knew Jesus. She always had several tracks in her Bible, and was an amazing prayer warrior! I am eternally grateful for her life and the importance she put on passing down her faith to her children and her grandchildren. Because of her, all 3 of her children are followers of Jesus, and between the 3 of them, they have raised 10 Christ followers as well!
I can only hope some day that I can pass on the spiritual heritage that she handed down to my dad, my sisters and my cousins as well!
The Lord called her home on August 1, 2008. I am grateful that the Lord kept her from suffering and gave peace to all of us that she had lived a full and long life honoring to the Lord! Of course we will miss her, but rejoice in knowing that we will see her again in Heaven!
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS for my family over the last few weeks.
Super Duper: THE OLYMPICS!!!
Super Pooper: My throat started hurting today...boooooo!
Friday, August 08, 2008
I know, I owe you a post, and a better post you shall get, but for now, I thought this looked fun:
The Rules: Answer the questions using only one word. Then tag three others.
1. Where is your cell phone? ADJACENT
2. Your significant other? DELAYED
3. Your hair? SHORT
4. Your mother? AMAZING
5. Your father? STRONG
6. Your favorite thing? GRACE
7. Your dream last night? NONEXISTANT
8. Your favorite drink? COKE
9. Your dream/goal? MOTHERHOOD
10. The room you’re in? LIVING
11. Your hobby? SHOPPING
12. Your fear? LOSS
13. What do you want to be in 6 years? MARRIED
14. What you’re not? PERFECT
15. Muffins? BLUEBERRY
16. One of your wish list items? I-PHONE
17. Where you grew up? CORPUS
18. The last thing you did? CHATTED
19. What are you wearing? PJs
20. Favorite gadget? CELL
21. Your pets? CHILDHOOD
22. Your computer? ANNOYING
23. Your mood? CONTENT
24. Missing someone? ALWAYS
25. Your car? GOLDYLOX
26. Something you’re not wearing? EARRINGS
27. Favorite store? NY&CO
28. Like someone? PLATONICALLY
29. Your favorite color? NAVY
30. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY
31. Last time you cried? TUESDAY
Your turn!
The Rules: Answer the questions using only one word. Then tag three others.
1. Where is your cell phone? ADJACENT
2. Your significant other? DELAYED
3. Your hair? SHORT
4. Your mother? AMAZING
5. Your father? STRONG
6. Your favorite thing? GRACE
7. Your dream last night? NONEXISTANT
8. Your favorite drink? COKE
9. Your dream/goal? MOTHERHOOD
10. The room you’re in? LIVING
11. Your hobby? SHOPPING
12. Your fear? LOSS
13. What do you want to be in 6 years? MARRIED
14. What you’re not? PERFECT
15. Muffins? BLUEBERRY
16. One of your wish list items? I-PHONE
17. Where you grew up? CORPUS
18. The last thing you did? CHATTED
19. What are you wearing? PJs
20. Favorite gadget? CELL
21. Your pets? CHILDHOOD
22. Your computer? ANNOYING
23. Your mood? CONTENT
24. Missing someone? ALWAYS
25. Your car? GOLDYLOX
26. Something you’re not wearing? EARRINGS
27. Favorite store? NY&CO
28. Like someone? PLATONICALLY
29. Your favorite color? NAVY
30. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY
31. Last time you cried? TUESDAY
Your turn!
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