Friday before the storm...beautiful sky!

- Ike hit Houston in the early hours of the morning
- I was spending the night at Rebecca's house with her family
- We found a newfound love for Farkle & Phase 10 Master's Edition
- Decided to venture out of the house for dinner, to see if anything was open, since the whole world had closed down, ended up at a Japanese Steakhouse Hibachi grill...c'mon, you know that's funny, the night of the hurricane we're eating out at a semi-fancy place, good times!

- slept in
- ventured to my apartment to see if I had power or if there were damages. Everything was fine, but I didn't have any water, so we decided I would stay one more night at Reb's house.
- also drove by the church to check and see how it that point all I could see was severe damage to the sanctuary roof, a huge section of the metal roof had peeled back :0
- I think we played some Farkle and then watched The Other Boleyn Girl
trying to go to bed one night

- decided to head to Temple to see my sister and her boys, since the church didn't have power and I wasn't expected at work
- As I was driving to Temple, I got word that the church did have power...oops! I decided to go on and return Tuesday morning
- Hung out with the kids and surprised Brady by picking him up from school!
- Went and had lunch with Brady at his school...made his day!
- headed back to Houston, found out I now had water at my apt!
- Met up with a group that Jerome had put together to help clean up people's yards because everything was still a mess! Trees everywhere, branches, etc.
- Tuesday night Jamie came and stayed with me, she still doesn't have power so she needed a place to stay
- back to work
- trying to get things back to normal
- still no internet or phones at work or home
- went to check on a widow that works in childcare, she needed some help cleaning up her backyard, so I called Jerome and the crew, and about 6 adults came and transformed her backyard in about an hour and a half, I wish I had before and after pics to show you!
- work again, spent most of the day on the phone, trying to call and check on people
- Jamie stayed again, we went to dinner with some of her friends
- took care of a few things at the office
- stopped by the mall
- chill night at home!
Let me just tell you, I'm still not used to driving down the street and seeing a tree split in half, a huge tree ripped up from the roots, a tree so large that it falls from one side of the street and lands across the street in the neighbor's yard.
It's been a week and there are still many many people without power. Of course those closer to the coast are worse off, but even many in The Woodlands and Humble/Kingwood area are equally afflicted. I know of several whose homes are unlivable. It's devastating!
Just wanted to recount the major events. I promise I'll return to more entertaining posts! Hope all is well with you!
Super Duper: lazy Saturday at home
Super Pooper: all the TV stations are running Post Ike coverage around the clock, except for primtime TV at night
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