Ok, ok your guilt trip worked, these aren't the pics I was referring to, but they are my iPhone pics, so you can get a glimpse of the random shots I've gotten lately. Consider yourself blessed, consider me amazing ;)
This is me standing in front of Tony Romo's locker at the new Cowboy stadium. Pretty fun to tour it, but a bit disgusting to think about the money that went into that thing!

We also went in the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader locker room. I spared you from seeing the inside, as it is covered in half naked pics of the girls. Guys, you can leave your thanks in the comment section!

Several weeks ago I hosted 8 7th grade girls at my house for Spark weekend (our church's D-Now). Super fun and exhausting weekend. Here is a pic of my girls collecting cans for the Mission Centers of Houston.

Last weekend I was in Temple with my family celebrating 2 nephews' birthdays. This is a random pic of my precious niece, Macie, that one of the other nephews took, I think.

I had lunch today with a great couple from my church. The place we went has peacocks roaming on the property. This is one of the THREE males that was spreading his feathers for us! So beautiful! When's the last time you saw that?

This one is for my dad. My parents came last weekend to help me spruce up my flower beds. Here is the fruit of your labor, dad! Beautiful azaleas blooming already! Oh, and thanks for planting that tree in the back yard, dad!

That's all I got guys!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad