This post is, as appropriatly titled, for Rebecca. It seems as though I have spoiled those of you who read this blog and have posted too often so that when I don't post for a few days, you begin to whine. I shouldn't give you such a hard time, seeing as how I give many of you a hard time when you haven't updated in a few days. Ah well, now you are getting your OH SO LONG awaited post.
Since this post is for Rebecca I feel I should tell everyone exactly who Rebecca is. Many of you, being from my college days, are not familiar with Rebecca. So allow me to do my best to inform you all of this friend of mine, Rebecca.

(I hate this pic of me, but it's the only one I had of Rebecca)
Name: Rebecca Robin Alexander
Occupation: Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant at Tallowood Baptist Church
Previous Occupation: Missionary to Turkey for 2 years
Marital Status: Single (yes, guys, I could hook you up with her)
Rebecca is probably my closest friend in Houston. It's a joy to get to see her at work every day. It's also stellar that she now goes to Tallowood, so I get to see her at church on Sundays, sometimes on Saturdays, and at other random church events. It's nice having someone to go to things with and to know that I won't have to sit by myself. On Tuesdays Rebecca and I have a standing date. It started last fall with GG (for those of you who don't know that stands for Gilmore Girls) at 7:00 and then Amazing Race at 8:00. We would usually cook dinner together and then watch our 2 shows. It was nice to now that at least once a week we have hang out time. Now that amazing race is over we still try and get together for Gilmore Girls, but sometimes other things come up.
Rebecca is by far one of the only reasons that I am as happy as I am in Houston. It was a major adjustment and transition to move to a new city with no family. Knowing that Rebecca is going to be at work to keep me from pulling my hair out and always listen to me whine is very reassuring. One thing I have failed to mention is that Rebecca is super fun. I guess that's why we like to hang out, because we are the party, we are the sprinkles. I know that as long as the 2 of us are going to a Single Adult function, it's going to be a good time, hands down. That's nice too!
I could go on, but I've probably embarrased her plenty by now, oh yeah, she's kinda on the shy side (I know, way different from me!!!). But maybe that's what makes us get along so well. I suppose I'll conclude by saying I hope that each of you is as lucky as I to have someone in my life to do life with, to laugh and cry and scream and vent when necessary.
Old friends, do not worry, for I have not replaced you. I love you all dearly. I just wanted you all to get to know my new friend that keeps me sane.
Super Duper: I only have to work a half day today.
Duper Super : I'm going to San Marcos for shopping with the fam tomorrow.
Super Pooper: I've only written over 7 chapters out of 21 chapters for my paper that is due next Wednesday :(