Saturday, February 11, 2006 alone...

Well, i've lived alone for over a year now. Many of you probably know that it was the #1 things I was dreading in my move to Houston and starting of my new life. But it turns out that I love it, it's one of my favorite parts of my life! So, I've decided to do a pro and con list of living alone.

Pro - I can be as messy as I want and not have it bother anyone else.
Con - Things get out of control messy, no motivation to clean!

Pro - No having to hear someone else's alarm go off an hour before I have to get up.
Con - Noone to make you get out of bed when you're already 30 mins late!

Pro - You can watch whatever you want (TV, DVD, etc)
Con - Nooone to watch TV with you.

Pro - Can cook whenever you want, whatever you want.
Con - Hard to cook for one, and not fun to eat alone.

Pro - Not having to work around anyone else's schedule. I can study when I want, sleep when I want, shop when I want, shower when I want, do laundry when I want, etc.
Con - Noone to study with me, shop with me, etc.

Pro - Get to have all my own stuff in all the rooms.
Con - Don't think there's a con to that.

Pro - Don't have to share a closet.
Con - again, no con

Pro - no pro
Con - I'm the only one to clean the bathroom.

That's all I got right now.

ps- all previous roommates please do not take this post personally. I loved every minute with each of you, but there are perks to living alone!

Super Duper: all day to myself
Super Pooper: apt still not clean

1 comment :

Elaine said...

Amen! I feel exactly the same way. I have another con: no one to help you catch spiders or roaches!! It's funny that you put this post up, because I was thinking about a similar list in my head earlier today!! Miss you!