Wednesday, July 11, 2007

...does anybody really know me...

So, I thought I'd share a cool God thing that happened the other day.

I was watching some show or something and they were talking about if anyone really knows you. It made me start thinking. Who knows me? Does anyone really know me? After thinking through my life, it occurred to me that either my mom or my sister (Kelly) probably knows me the best. They know all about my childhood, my upbringing, the hard times, big decisions I've had to make, they listen when I need to talk, they know get me sarcasm and are never surprised by my over dramatic emphasis on mundane everyday details just to try and catch them off guard. But then I started thinking about the things my family doesn't know about me. How at different times in my life different friends may have known parts of me better than my family. Roommates in college, friends on a high school sports team, friends at work, often go through stuff with you on a daily basis and know more about you and your life than you may have time to tell over the phone to your mom.

So then I started thinking. Is there a part of me that no one knows. Absolutely. Which is scary. Makes me think there must be a part of everyone that no one knows. And I think that's OK. For some reason we all have the need to keep part of ourselves to ourselves. OK, so I had randomly been thinking through these introspective thoughts, and the next morning...

I read an entry in a daily devotional guide that I had at work, but I hadn't read in several months, and guess what it was about. It talked about how God knows me. Intimately, inside out and every thought. Which for most of us is scary. But the beautiful truth that I was reminded of, is that He still loves me. Through my sin, through my judgment of others, through my lack of faith and constant self reliance, He still loves me. He knows me better than any human ever will, and He loves me more than any human ever will.

Amazing grace! Praise the Lord!

Just wanted to share how cool God's timing is. He had placed those thoughts in my head about people knowing me, and no one knowing all of me, all just as a set up for an amazing truth in a little devotional. Love words from the Lord like that! Just thought I'd share!

Super Duper: Aunt's Weekend starts tomorrow!!!
Super Pooper: My bathroom tub won't unclog...grrrr

1 comment :

Rebecca said...

Just want you to know that your precious. I'm glad to know least most of you. :)