Friday, December 12, 2008

...unexpected trip...

last weekend was Ashlyn's 5th birthday, we celebrated in Corpus, see posts below.

since she was out of town on her birthday her slumber party is tonight

she had asked Kelly & I to come, but we both had other plans

my plans feel through

then my sister called me in a bit of a meltdown on Wednesday

her little boy (Cole - 18 months) has been really sick & fussy

her husband just told her he is going out of town on a 3 day tournament, so he won't be there to help with the sick toddler and 7 little 7 years olds spending the night

aunt bubba to the rescue

i'm leaving shortly to head to Waco and surprise Ashlyn and prevent my sister from having a nervous breakdown

i know, i'm amazing

Super Duper: getting a little Christmas shopping done today

Super Pooper: won't be able to clean el apartmento or finish decorating my tree since I'm leaving town :(

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

you are SUPERAUNT! (I picture you having a cape and a musical theme)