Tuesday, March 03, 2009

...Am I the only one that liked Molly???

Don't get me wrong, what Jason did was wrong. And I'm having a hard time figuring out if ABC made him dump Melissa on nat'l television, if it was all staged from the beginning...who knows!

What are your thoughts?

Did you ever like Molly? I picked her from Episode 1...but maybe that's why I'm tied to her, because I've never picked one from the start and stuck with her.

Please leave comments!


SMT said...

I liked Molly!

claymonster said...

who or what is a Molly?

Rob and Amy said...

I do like Molly...and I actually liked Melissa too. But Jason, I just think he is a loser- and Molly is a little strange for saying she'd give the guy a shot since he apparently can't follow his heart!!!!

I'm not sure if you have read www.realitysteve.com or not, but it's the main site that people viewed to learn what was going to happen on the show. He predicted the ending a few weeks before the finale, as he apparently has a friend who has "connections" :) I definitely do think it was staged. What makes me really upset too, is that Jason is all "Ty this" and "Ty that" so WHY would he agree to ABC's contract of filming the show in this way if he wants whats best for his son? I'm pretty sure having Melissa around during the Holidays, but seeing Molly on the weekends isn't whats best for his son!!! At any rate, I always say I hate the show at the end of each season, and watch it the next time it comes around :) Although, I will say I'm NOT to thrilled that the next bachelorette is Jillian. Eeeeeckkk. She bothers me!

Elaine said...

Thanks for all the advice! It is much needed. I just read Google Reader online, but I have a link on the screen that I can touch and go straight to it. I'll let you know if I discover an App for it!!