Friday, April 10, 2009

...cake balls...

Today is Good Friday. It's my normal day off, but it's also a given holiday at church, which is lame to get a holiday on a day you weren't going to work anyway. I got out this morning and ran to Kohl's looking for an Easter dress. No luck. I'd already looked at Macy's, Stein Mart & NY&Co. Still couldn't find anything I liked that fit right for a good price. I guess I wasn't meant to have an Easter dress this year. I decided to drown my no Easter dress sorrows in 2 pairs of shoes:

After Kohl's I went to the grocery to get the stuff to make cake balls. While I was in the cake aisle I decided to get sprinkles to put on top of the cake balls, and then I had the genius idea to make them in egg shape so that they looked like Easter eggs. I later found out this was not an original idea. Here's what they are supposed to look like:

Here's how mine turned out:

We'll see how they taste...

Happy Good Friday everyone! I pray you have a blessed Easter weekend, living in awe of the sacrifice of our Savior on the cross, and thankful for the Resurrection!

Super Duper: actually bought groceries today so I can cook at home this week!

Super Pooper: slight headache

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