Monday, August 24, 2009

...and then there were 6...

I'm headed out tomorrow afternoon because they are inducing my sister on Wednesday!!!! Hopefully by lunch time little Macie McKaren Collier will have graced us with her presence! I'm taking my laptop and most hospitals nowadays have wireless, so I'll see what I can do about posting some pics...if not you'll have to wait til next week. Until then, you can rest assured that I am loving on, rocking, humming to, and hopefully lulling to sleep my newest niece. Ah, sounds amazing already! Yup, there's nothing better than a newborn baby! Catch ya on the flip side!

Oh, and in case you aren't keeping up, this is my 2nd niece and I already have 4 nephews, so that makes a total of 6. There really should be a gender neutral term for niece & nephew. You know, for example,

male: brother
female: sister
neutral: sibling


male: father
female: mother
neutral: parent

I would like to be able to say I have 6 (insert gender neutral term here).

Anywho, I digress. Have a great week!

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