Seriously, you don't deserve me! That's right, this is another photo post, coming your way. I assume that you love photo posts as much as I do, so I'll just assume you're thanking me as you sit in front of your computer. So, without further ado, here are some kodak moments from my family get away to San Antonio last week:
The whole crew (minus me, I'm taking the pic) on the Riverwalk in SA.
All of us after we toured the Alamo, taking a break enjoying some snowcones.

Sidenote: shortly after this picture was taken, we crossed the street and were looking at the Ripley's Believe It or Not, trying to decide if we wanted to go in, how much it cost, etc, when all of a sudden my BIL says, "Where's Blake?" All of a sudden we look around and he's nowhere to be found. Scariest feeling of my life! We look up and down the street. He's nowhere. And the street is PACKED! I go back to the crosswalk, thinking maybe he hadn't made it across the street with us...and sure enough there he was, on the other side of the street with a lady that was helping him find his family. I shouted out to my family, "I got him," and crossed the street to get one scared little 4 year old. I think we were only looking for him for less than 30 seconds, but it was a horrific 30 seconds. You had best believe that he was holding onto someone's hand THE ENTIRE rest of the trip! Thank you Lord for protecting him for those few minutes that he was "lost."
Here's some of us that went on the Riverboat ride through downtown San Antonio.
Here we are at the entrance to Seaworld! It was the perfect day to enjoy some rides and shows! Love spending time with these kiddos!
Us again before a show!
Shamu posing very nicely for us!
All 10 of us as we were about to leave Seaworld after a LONG, but fun, day!
It's always fun spending time with my fam. A little crazy with so many of us, so many kids, so many opinions, so many schedules, but it's always worth it to make memories and more importantly, just get to get away and be together!
Next post: My visit to Reliant Stadium to see my Baylor Bears play in the Sweet Sixteen this Friday!!! Yippeee!!!! Sic 'em Bears!!!