Monday, November 01, 2010

...nablopomo & 30 in 30...

Well, here it is, November 1st and do I have a treat for you!

That's right, I've decided to participate in nablopomo (National Blog Posting Month), which obviously means I will be posting EVERY DAY this month!

Not only that, but...

in addition, I will be participating in fashion challenge of sorts. 

A few weeks ago a friend of mine introduced me to this blog: kendieveryday.

Then last week another friend of mine mentioned it on her blog.

So I was showing this fun blog to another dear friend of mine, Rebecca.  And we decided that maybe, just maybe I should take on Kendi's 30 in 30 challenge.  What is this challenge I speak of?  Well, here are the rules from Kendi's blog:

1. Pick out 30 items from your closet. Shoes are included in the count, coats and accessories are not. (I won't use a coat yet here in Texas, but you might in say Chicago so I don't want to penalize you for Mother Nature's wily ways.)
2. Remix the 30 items into 30 or more outfits.
And that's it! Ok -- not totally.

3. No shopping for 30 days.
Here are my modifications to her rules (ha!):
1. I didn't count shoes in my 30.  So, I chose 30 articles of clothing, plus 8 pairs of shoes.  Hey, it's my first time, maybe next time I'll be more strict.
2. I am not counting tank tops.  I do a lot of layering and I am just not ready to have to count them all in the 30 or not use them.
3.  This is actually a rule from Kendi, that she just doesn't list.  She says work out clothes don't count, so for me I'm interpreting that rule to be that lounge clothes don't count.  Hey, Thanksgiving is included in this 30 days, you got to give me some wiggle room here!
So, here are the clothes that Rebecca & I selected together that I will be "remixing" for the next 30 days:
5 tops...notice a trend?  All gray, black or white...oops! Accessories are my friend!

5 cardigans + 1 structured jacket

6 dresses...I know, that's a lot, but I have to go to church, ya know!

4 skirts...I'm actually surprised this isn't more, I love skirts!!! Hope this works out for me!

6 pairs of pants

1 pair of jeggings and 2 cardigans I forgot to put in the first cardie picture

8 pairs of shoes

My outfit today...drum roll please...
It was actually fun getting dressed today...we'll see if that lasts, ask me again on day 28! I loved having a limited selection of clothes to choose from in my closet.  Getting dressed is ALWAYS a huge ordeal for me.  I often put on an average of 3 outfits before I am set on what to wear for the day.  Not today! I hope this continues to be the case.  In true Kendi fashion, and since you are all dying to know how you too could get "my look," I thought I'd tell you where I got some of my items in this picture:
Cardigan: The Limited (I know, who still shops there?  I've recently rediscovered it!)
Shirt: JC Penny's
Belt: Kohl's
Welp, I hope ya'll enjoy this little challenge.  Oh, and Kendi just announced today that she is asking others to join her on another 30 in 30 challenge that she is starting next Monday, so you too can join in! If you decide to, PLEASE leave me a message so that I can follow along!
See ya tomorrow!


Teresa said...

Hmmm..I will have to contemplate this. I was thinking about how I need to pare down my wardrobe. Too many things in the closet and I don't wear most of them!
I do like the way you have a color scheme going, I think that will make it easier.

Sarah said...

I'm so impressed that you're doing the 30 for 30 challenge! I kind of wanted to, but I don't know that I'm brave enough!!! I'm glad you're posting every day too! It makes me happy!

Elaine said...

I am SO stinkin' excited that you are doing this! I love Kendi's blog and it will be fun to see you do the challenge! Love it.

Jeff and Erin said...

I'm intrigued. You have an awesome wardrobe, maybe this will help you rediscover it!