Wednesday, January 16, 2008 warrants being documented...

WARNING: this is about to become a whining/venting/complaining post. If you don't care for a pity party, then please, don't read on.

today was...looooooooooooooooooong
today was...frustrating
today of those days that if I were a cryer, I would have cried out of stress and emotional overload
today was...stressful
today was...exhausting
today was...overwhelming
today was...productive
today was...survivable

I've got to get better at coping with the stress. So many decisions to make, fires to put out, people to help, boxes to move. I needed time to get away from the office, and there was just no time to be had.

The problem is, no one to release all this frustration/stress/overload onto. I mean, I call my parents, my dad gives me the "buck up" speech, and my mom lectures me on how to handle it. I know they think I'm being a baby, and overreacting, but it's stressful and exhausting!!! I know, it will all be worth it in the end, and this too shall pass, just press on, the light at the end of the tunnel, persevere, etc, etc, etc...blah blah blah! I just want someone to call or someone waiting for me at home, to listen, give me sympathy, and say, "Man, that really sucks, YOU'RE AMAZING!!!" haha...I know, I'm sounding pretty pathetic right now.

Ok, before you start feeling too sorry for me, and worrying about my mental health, just know that I really am doing better. I know that tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully we'll keep getting stuff done, and it will all be worth it on Feb 3rd when the children & their parents come see the new building and are so excited about their new church!

Ok, I'm done throwing the pity party and venting, just needed to get that off my chest, thanks for listening, as always!

Super Duper: Amy Hatchett is helping me keep my sanity by working with us for the next few weeks to get us through "The Move"
Super Pooper: School starts on Monday
Super Duper Pooper: My family is gathering in Temple on MLK weekend to celebrate my mom's b-day, and I have to miss out b/c work is CRAZINESS right now (as you already know)

1 comment :

T said...

Awww I am sorry it is so yucky!! You should just go ahead and schedule a day of relaxation for February 4th! :) hehe