Friday before the storm...beautiful sky!
trying to go to bed one night
Let me just tell you, I'm still not used to driving down the street and seeing a tree split in half, a huge tree ripped up from the roots, a tree so large that it falls from one side of the street and lands across the street in the neighbor's yard.
It's been a week and there are still many many people without power. Of course those closer to the coast are worse off, but even many in The Woodlands and Humble/Kingwood area are equally afflicted. I know of several whose homes are unlivable. It's devastating!
Just wanted to recount the major events. I promise I'll return to more entertaining posts! Hope all is well with you!
Super Duper: lazy Saturday at home
Super Pooper: all the TV stations are running Post Ike coverage around the clock, except for primtime TV at night
Sunday we woke up early and headed to the church that Liesal & Jon volunteer at. They work with the special needs kids. Of course it was good to see them in action, and always interesting for me to see how other churches do things! Kind of neat to realize that they may be so far away, but there is still a common method in a lot of ways!
Then Sunday afternoon was by far my favorite thing we did!!! Jon was so kind to drive us down to Newport Beach...a little over an hour away. We picked up snacks and got there around 5pm. It was perfect! Warm, but nice cool breeze. We explored the rocks, took fun picks, threw the frisbee around...seriously, I could have stayed for days! Also, Newport is such a precious town!! Cute little homes...that cost millions I'm sure! We took a trillion pics...here are some of my faves, but if you're not on facebook and want to see all of my pics, follow this link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2196506&l=28301&id=9205479
Super Duper: actually being home on my Friday off!
Super Pooper: my Philosophy of Religion class is torturous!