Here's the deal:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award. Thanks Sarah, I truly am honored!
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. See above.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. See above.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might not know.
This is very hard for me because I'm such an open book, but I'll try:
a. I wish I had great photography skills. I wish I owned a fancy camera, knew how to use it to take amazing photos and was very familiar with photoshop.
b. One of my pet peeves is when people cuss on their status on facebook, even if it's just one of the newest lame abbreviations that has a cuss word in it. Drives me crazy. Call me a prude. I don't care.
c. Another pet peeve of mine is when a waiter or waitress doesn't write down the orders. I mean, really. Who are they trying to impress? I'm the one giving them the tip and I'd rather them write the order down and get it right than not write it down and get it wrong.
d. I'm a horrible speller, but I enjoy playing games like Scramble & Scrabble. Go figure.
e. When I was little my sisters & I would act out "Annie" - they always made me play the part of Sandy, yes, that's the dog. You know, Annie sings, "Dumb dog, why are you followin' me?"
f. Tonight for dinner I dipped goldfish in peanut butter. Yup.
g. Ok, just as I suspected, this has been hard for me to come up with things people might not know about me, so I have a fun idea. Why don't some of you come up with #7? I dare you to leave a comment about something you know about me that others might not know...be nice though!
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
a. The one. The only. Elaine Diane Caldwell Flores!!! Kreativ for her alliterative title and fun titles for each post as well!
b. An old college friend that I love keeping up with, Kristy Davis Boyd. Kreativ for all her fun photos in each post!
c. The best BIG SIS in KXA!!! Natrudy! Kreativ for her wit and her onrunning series about "reasons she needs a husband"
d. A relatively new friend (compared to the bloggers above), Teresa! Kreativ for her fun posts entitled: "Are you smarter than a 6th grader?"
e. She's going to hate me for putting her on here, but her blog really really is Kreativ. It's a sewing blog! I don't even sew and I always love seeing her latest creations. My good friend: Claire
f. Again, she won't appreciate this nomination, but this list wouldn't be complete without my dear friend Rebs. This blog is Kreativ also for her title, Rebekistan. She's also honest and real. I like that!
g. Another blog that I just recently started reading. This awesome lady goes to my church, but her fun family anecdotes and "Darla 9-1-1" series definitely makes this blog qualify as Kreativ.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate. See above.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated. I'm on my way.
Welp, hope you've enjoyed this.