Yup, this is my 400th post! How exciting! I thought in honor of this special occasion, I would list the 400 things I love about blogging...
400 - reading other people's blogs
399 - looking back at old posts
398 - sharing pictures
397 - nablopomo - i love a good challenge
396 - doing ridiculous things like this
395 - sharing deep thoughts (once in a blue moon)
394 - are you still reading these?
393 - venting when I'm mad
390 - whining when I'm frustrated
388 - did you really think I would list 400 things I love about blogging?
387 - c'mon this is ridiculous
385 - how many of these do I have to fill in to make this list look long?
382 - changing my backgrounds
381 - giving shoutouts to fellow bloggers like
Kristy and
380 - bragging on my nieces and nephews
378 - giving random life updates
377 - sharing significant life events
375 - praying for friends
375 - asking for prayer
371 - am I really still doing this?
369 - how far can I go?
366 - getting and giving fun craft ideas
365 - seeing other bloggers' decorations
364 - ok, i'm stopping
361 - really, this list is long enough
359 - i was kidding all along
357 - never intended to come up with 400 lame reasons that I blog
300 - thanks for reading
200 - i enjoy sharing my random musings with you
100 - here's to 400 more!
002 - and over 4 more years...wow, hard to believe that, what did we ever do before blogs?
001 - sharing my life with people I might otherwise not get to
Ok, I'm a dork, hope you enjoyed that!