Friday, April 28, 2006

...rock awesome...

Yesterday the pastoral intern organized an office wide prank on the Minister of Education/Administration (he's #2 in line, after the pastor...wonderful man, but very professional!) We were all in on it and blew up 700 pink balloons to fill his office (which is really a glorified cubicle. You can see that the walls don't go all the way to the top, so we just kept tossing them in. Notice in the picture below that you can't see his desk, chair, computer, etc. That's because it is covered with pink balloons! Oh, did I mention that he has a strong aversion to pink? Also, we all wore pink to work today! It was awesome!
(view from above, looking into the cubicle)
(front of his office)

He was literally speechless!!

Super Duper: Turning in my last paper today!

Super Pooper: Have to study all weekend for my last final on Monday...then I'm done till August!!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

...getting there...

3 major hurdles down, 2 to go

Super Duper: My quick trip down to Corpus the first weekend of may turned into a 3.5 day stay in stead of a 2 day stay!!!
Super Pooper: see previous post

Friday, April 21, 2006 to lose your mind in 10 days...

day 1 - VBS director's dinner (that I'm in charge of until my boss gets there late)

day 2 - BIG VBS training that I'm in charge of

Day 4 - 1 major exegetical paper due (10 pgs/10 sources) and 1 minor paper due, only 5 pages, but it's over millennial views, which I understand and have studied, but this book is a lil hard to understand...blah

Day 4/5 - Staff overnight retreat (very glad to be invited, but very, very bad timing, so much else I need to be doing that night!)

Day 8 - MAJOR Systematic Theology paper due (15 pages) on death of infants/age of accountability...tough stuff to deal with

Day 10 - Final in Systematic Theology

In the midst of all that I have normal work days and Saturday night church and Sundays too!!! I have resigned to a life of no social outings! Well, that's the next 10 days for me!! After that I plan to crawl into a hole and see how long it takes someone to notice that I'm missing...a long time I hope!!

Super Duper: set up yesterday for the training tomorrow morning, and it looks GREAT!!!
Super Pooper: missing my niece and nephews...its been too long!!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

...a good day...

I'll make a long story short (because someone already told me the long version sucks). But the good, unexpected, speldiferous news, is that I got a test back today that is 35% of my grade in my Hermeneutics class. It's the only test in the class, all semester. After taking it last week I was expecting a low B at best, which I was okay with. Anyway, I got it back today, and I wouldn't normally post this, but I got a 96!!! Really, I'm not bragging, I'm actually in shock!! I mean, when you are expecting something almost 20 pts lower, it's really exciting!!!

So, in celebration I went shopping (yes, I know, I have a problem)!!! I went to this really cute little boutique, but I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman because the ladies hardly acknowledged me and gave me no service, while they waited on the other people hand and foot. Granted, I was in jeans and a t-shirt, but c'mon, I'm not a bag lady or anything (not that there's anything wrong with bag ladies). Well, who cares, I didn't want to buy anything there anyways, everything looked cuter on the hanger! So then, I headed to TJ Max, and found a really fun jacket (orange (which I chose the color of this font in honor of) with BIG white polka dots). I'll see if I can add a picture of it later. But it was missing some buttons, so they gave me a minimal discount, but I found matching buttons and its all fixed up for me to wear tomorrow!

Super Duper: besides the obvious, a yummy free dinner at church
Super Pooper: still a lot on my plate, but 2 weeks baby, the stress is over in 2 weeks!!

ps- today's chapel was a Liturgical service. If you don't know what I' m talking about, don't feel dumb, I was present today and I'm still not sure what I'm talking about. Allow me to describe it in one word: weird. If I had another chance to attend one, I'd probably pass.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

...Celebrate Life...

May you and yours celebrate the sacrifice that our Risen Lord made for us nearly 2000 years ago. And may we all live in light of the resurrection.
Super Duper: No work tomorrow!
Super Pooper: Have to write 2 papers tomorrow!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Romans 7:19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing.

Often my sin overwhelms me. I realize my judgmental thoughts. I hear myself gossiping, tearing down my fellow brother or sister. Spending money in a selfish, unnecessary way. Hiding the truth and watching unholy things on T.V. Not spending as much time with Him, not seeking His will for my life. This isn't who I want to be, not at all. Yet I still do these things, repeatedly. Why is my flesh so weak? Why is sin so easy? Is my sin a reflection of my relationship with Christ? I sure hope not. The overwhelming presence of sin in my life would lead many to even question if I walked with the Lord.

May I not be so aloof about my sin. May the consequence of my sin be real to me. May it be my desire to honor and glorify God in all my actions. May it be obvious who the object of my affection is. May my heart overflow with love and desire to know Him more each day.

Super Duper: My mom came and completely cleaned my apartment, did 8 loads of laundry, stocked my refrigerator, and we did a little shopping!!!

Super Pooper: My test on Monday is the only test all semester in that class...YIKES!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

...busy body...

I don't have much to say. Life is busy, but good. I wish life weren't always busy, you know? We fill our schedule, never having a minute to chill, to just be. Every block on the calendar is filled and we go go go. Don't get me wrong, I like keeping busy, can't stand toooo much time to myself, but between, work, school, meetings, Bible Studies, softball games, birthday celebrations, church on Sat & Sun, time to just "be" is slim. And the few minutes I do have to be at my apartment, I need to be studying for a test or writing a paper. Which also leaves my apartment in a perpetual state of dirtiness. Why is it that things get messy so easily? and so quickly? Things can be great one day and then the next day my apartment looks like a tornado hit!! Ah well, this is what we call life. I am hoping that after Camp Tallowood (mid June) things will calm down. Life will be simplified with no school work hanging over my head, and VBS will be over too!! Goal: to pass my classes and survive till VBS is over!!

Super Duper: my mom's coming tomorrow to clean my apt and stock my refrigerator!!
Super Pooper: test on Monday....blah

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I have a problem. I've always known I had a certain liking for shoes, but lately, I can't seem to control myself. In the past 2 weeks I've bought 4 new pairs of shoes. For some people that may not seem excessive, but for me, it kind of is. The good news is, I love them all!!! Here is a picture of the latest pair. I am very pleased with the purchase and can't wait to find the perfect outfit to wear with them!!!

Super Duper: my taxes are done and my return is an amazing amount of money!

Super Pooper: I have to be responsible with that money...