we've been on the road,
we've called your name, and you've been there,
we have followed where you have lead, anywhere.
it started oh so many years ago.
when rory was just an innocent 16 year old girl.
i've probably seen each episode multiple times,
watching and rewatching the DVDs,
pathetic, i know.
my friends got me addicted,
and i've passed on the legacy to others.
Tuesday night, 7:00,
its been a ritual,
a bonding time between friends.
we've talked about you as if you were real people,
laughed when you laughed,
pined when you pined,
cried when you cried,
knit when you knit,
rejoiced when you rejoiced,
copper Boomed when you copper boomed!
I even have a Luke's Diner mug
and Elaine has a Dragonfly Inn Tee!!!
We were in, all in.
And now you're gone, out of the blue, just like Jess.
So give me time to wallow, we all need to wallow.
I think I need some coffee coffee coffee!!!
No, maybe I'd rather deviled egg your car!
This just seems so abrupt.
I needed, we needed, warning!
I feel like I've been hit by a deer!
This whole season has been a disappointment.
Your name must be Logan!
I mean, Luke & Lorelei breaking up,
Lorelei running off with Chris,
and now Rory rejecting Logan!!!
I'm sick of you new writers anyways,
messing everything up!
yeah, listen to me rant,
everyone loves ranting Luke!
I only wish I was apt to script this rant without typing that which is twixt d and f,
but that I am not apt to do...
well, there's nothing left to say or do,
what's done is done.
It's over, you made it clear how you felt and now its over.
I'll keep a box of all our stuff up high in the closet,
incase I ever want to remember the good times.
I suppose you'll always be in my life.
I guess we can always hope for reruns on the late night CW.
It was a good run,
so here's to all the reenactments,
getting back together,
breaking up again,
life and death brigade adventures,
and of course, unhealthy relationships with our parents (both those that are toxic, and those that are closer than friends)
I would say thank you for going out before you died out,
but I'm pretty bitter about how things are going to end!
so, here's to you Gilmore Girls,
you occupied a special place in my life for too many years, seriously, one too many, it should have ended last season when Luke & Lorelei were going strong!
Good-bye Stars Hollow!
Super Pooper: Sunday is my sister's birthday and I haven't gotten her anything yet, and it needs to go in the mail....dang it!!!