last Thursday we had a spectacular Girls Night at my apartment. It was super yummy and laughed and laughed and laughed!!!!
then Friday morn I woke up and headed to Boerne to spend some great catch up time with my beloved Emily Belek Cowan! We chilled, shopped, ate, chilled, etc!!! It was great to be with a friend that you're soooo comfortable with. We caught up on life and just loved hanging out! Fun times in Boerne!
this weekend I'm headed to Dallas with my mom & Kelly to help with some wedding planning!!! She'll be trying on dresses! We'll be looking for flower girl dresses, veils, a dress for me to wear, all things wedding! Oh, and Friday is Kelly's birthday, so of course we'll celebrate that as well. Ps - did I tell you that Brandon has officially proposed? Oh, well he did! So, now its all on the up and up! Kelly Berry will soon be Kelly Hill on March 14 in Puerto Rico!!!
on a different, sad, note, my g-ma isn't doing very well. They think she had a minor stroke which affected her ability to swallow. Since she can't swallow, she's aspirating her food & drink into her lungs, causing her to have pneumonia. She also can't talk right now and she's extremely irritable and weak. There are some tough decisions that are having to be made. The next month could be stressful for my dad and his siblings as they decide how she should be treated. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your prayers!
August travels:
Dallas for Kelly's b-day/wedding prep
Children's Ministry Sumitt in Dallas
Blake's Birthday Party in Temple
CALIFORNIA for labor day weeked to see Liesal!!!! PUMPED!!! Hoping to get Leno tickets!
So, on the road again!
That's all I got for now!
Super Duper: new cute outfit that was on sale from Ann Taylor Loft!
Super Pooper: still haven't decided what classes to take in the fall...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
...a new favorite...
Vandy's kid rockin' out in some aviators!
Super Duper: worked out again yesterday... and am on my way again right now!
Super Pooper: need to clean el apartmento since people are coming over on Thursday!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
...blended worship???
Some of you may be aware, others not, that my church is about to move into a new worship center this coming October. This has been a long process, and we are all excited as we anticipate this momentous occasion.
So, here's a look into church life logistic and how everything isn't roses & candy all the time.
Currently my church offers 5 services each weekend (plus Sunday night).
Saturday Night - contemporary
Sunday morning - 8:00 - traditional
Sunday morning - 9:30 - traditional in the Sanctuary
Sunday morning - 9:30 - contemporary in the gym
Sunday morning - 11:00 - traditional
yes...its crazy! especially having 2 services at the same time. Yes, the same pastor preaches all 5 services live! So, with the excitement of moving into the new Worship Center in October, comes deciding what our worship schedule will look like. The whole point of a new worship center is to no have 2 services going on at the same time. The current plan is to do away with the traditional service at 9:30, asking those people to choose 8:00 or 11:00. Sounds simple, sounds like everyone would be happy? If only it were that simple!
I won't give all the logistics, just know that it gets complicated when you start considering various Sunday School classes (of all ages) and then worship style preferences in the same mix. Its a mess and has made many people upset.
So, today in an attempt to make some people happy, we tried blended worship, truly combining both 9:30 services, some traditional aspects, some contemporary. I personally LOVED it!! It was amazing, glorified God and truly used many people's talents to worship God!
The problem, I don't think everyone felt the same way! So, we'll see. I honestly don't know what's going to happen! We're definitely experiencing some growing pains, and its not easy. Some people are very upset and may leave the church over it, which is unfortunate. We'll just have to seek God's will through this process!
I'll keep you posted.
Super Duper: bought a new giraffe print purse that I've been wanting for a while!

Super Pooper: still don't know what classes I'm taking next semester :/
Thursday, July 17, 2008
...healthy meals???
well...this is me attempting to work out, be healthy, lose a few lbs...we'll see how it goes.
I worked out today for the first time in who knows how long...sad, I know!
Hopefully I'll build up stamina and work out more frequently. My goal is 3-4 times a week, and then go from there.
I also went to the grocery so that I'll eat at home more often, hopefully healthy meals at home.
I've noticed that just by eating at home, I eat that's an improvement already!
So, my question for you is, what is your favorite healthy meal? I'm open to at home or even at a restaurant, because the reality is I'll still be eating out and need to be making healthy choices.
I know you healthy people are out go on, tell me your secrets!
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Oh, ps - the motivation for this is my sister's wedding next Spring! I haven't mentioned it because it isn't 100% official, seeing as he hasn't given her a ring. But they have already done extensive planning, like making reservations in Puerto Rico at the El San Juan (link) Resort!!! and signing a contract with the, you can see how things are moving along. Oh, don't worry, I know its weird to plan a wedding before there's a ring on a finger, but hey, they have a unique situation, and it works for them. Oh, and yes, he's asked my dad for permission, so its all just a formality now!!! So the goal is to look great by next March!
Super Duper: free weekend at home!!! yes, I plan on lots of shopping! New Outlet Mall & Harwin!!!
Super Pooper: my electric bill for this month is OUT OF CONTROL!!!!
I worked out today for the first time in who knows how long...sad, I know!
Hopefully I'll build up stamina and work out more frequently. My goal is 3-4 times a week, and then go from there.
I also went to the grocery so that I'll eat at home more often, hopefully healthy meals at home.
I've noticed that just by eating at home, I eat that's an improvement already!
So, my question for you is, what is your favorite healthy meal? I'm open to at home or even at a restaurant, because the reality is I'll still be eating out and need to be making healthy choices.
I know you healthy people are out go on, tell me your secrets!
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Oh, ps - the motivation for this is my sister's wedding next Spring! I haven't mentioned it because it isn't 100% official, seeing as he hasn't given her a ring. But they have already done extensive planning, like making reservations in Puerto Rico at the El San Juan (link) Resort!!! and signing a contract with the, you can see how things are moving along. Oh, don't worry, I know its weird to plan a wedding before there's a ring on a finger, but hey, they have a unique situation, and it works for them. Oh, and yes, he's asked my dad for permission, so its all just a formality now!!! So the goal is to look great by next March!
Super Duper: free weekend at home!!! yes, I plan on lots of shopping! New Outlet Mall & Harwin!!!
Super Pooper: my electric bill for this month is OUT OF CONTROL!!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
...lunch bunch...
Every Tuesday for the past 2.5 years a group of us younger staff members (Jr. Staff) have gathered for what we call "lunch bunch."
Of course the group is ever changing, with the constant evolution of our staff, interns coming and going. Even just from week to week, some are on vacation, a church trip, or have other lunch plans. But almost every week there is some group of us going to lunch, ranging from 3 or 4 to I think an all time high of 17. As often as possible spouses join us, interns, people who happen to be hanging around the church when we're leaving.
May I take this opportunity to give a shout out to some former members:
Scott Bertrand (founding member)
Abby Bertrand (founding member)
Rob Luttrull (founding member)
Will McCartney (founding member)
Chad Bertrand (founding member)
Kristi Beougher McCartney
Annetta Box
One thing is for sure though...its always a good time!
You honestly never know what is going to be the topic of conversation. It is always sure to be ridiculous, hilarious, heated or thought provoking.
Some of my fave lunch bunch memories are:
- the discussion of the leap second, leap days, the Chinese calendar...all concluding that since we have skipped days along the way, we are way behind, or was it way ahead of what year it should really be. see what i mean, ridiculous!
- the time that Dave was pretending to smash a packet of ketchup, talked Annetta in to smashing a stack of 3 ketchups, only she really did it. Ketchup went allllll over Rebecca & Scott...oh, that's the lunch bunch that will live in infamy!
- the times that we come up with a list of words or phrasing that you are supposed to try and use in staff meeting. The rules: Larry Heslip must hear the word or phrase, you can not laugh during usage of the word or phrase. If you are successful, then you receive points for doing so.
- the time we came up with the Jr. Staffer of the month award. You would receive credit for attendance during the month, if you brought a friend, and if you had offered to drive.
- then most recently, last Tuesday, we had a great thought provoking discussion about worship. About worship styles. About worship preferences. About changes in corporate worship. All good things to hear and discuss. The most thought provoking was when Dave asked each of us what we thought was a truly worshipful moment, for us, personally. Honestly, its not something I think about terribly often, and I definitely don't often try to put it in words. It was good to think about and to hear others' responses. I challenge you to think about what a worship is to you and how you best experience it.
So, as you can see, lunch bunch and the Jr. Staffers hold a dear place in my heart!
If you're reading out there, know that I'm thankful for each of you and our times shared together around the table!
Oh, ps - may I just say that sadly, Rebecca & I are the last 2 founding members still around.
Super Duper: Playground Grand Opening was super fun!
Super Pooper: I had already written this post and the whole thing got deleted!
Of course the group is ever changing, with the constant evolution of our staff, interns coming and going. Even just from week to week, some are on vacation, a church trip, or have other lunch plans. But almost every week there is some group of us going to lunch, ranging from 3 or 4 to I think an all time high of 17. As often as possible spouses join us, interns, people who happen to be hanging around the church when we're leaving.
May I take this opportunity to give a shout out to some former members:
Scott Bertrand (founding member)
Abby Bertrand (founding member)
Rob Luttrull (founding member)
Will McCartney (founding member)
Chad Bertrand (founding member)
Kristi Beougher McCartney
Annetta Box
One thing is for sure though...its always a good time!
You honestly never know what is going to be the topic of conversation. It is always sure to be ridiculous, hilarious, heated or thought provoking.
Some of my fave lunch bunch memories are:
- the discussion of the leap second, leap days, the Chinese calendar...all concluding that since we have skipped days along the way, we are way behind, or was it way ahead of what year it should really be. see what i mean, ridiculous!
- the time that Dave was pretending to smash a packet of ketchup, talked Annetta in to smashing a stack of 3 ketchups, only she really did it. Ketchup went allllll over Rebecca & Scott...oh, that's the lunch bunch that will live in infamy!
- the times that we come up with a list of words or phrasing that you are supposed to try and use in staff meeting. The rules: Larry Heslip must hear the word or phrase, you can not laugh during usage of the word or phrase. If you are successful, then you receive points for doing so.
- the time we came up with the Jr. Staffer of the month award. You would receive credit for attendance during the month, if you brought a friend, and if you had offered to drive.
- then most recently, last Tuesday, we had a great thought provoking discussion about worship. About worship styles. About worship preferences. About changes in corporate worship. All good things to hear and discuss. The most thought provoking was when Dave asked each of us what we thought was a truly worshipful moment, for us, personally. Honestly, its not something I think about terribly often, and I definitely don't often try to put it in words. It was good to think about and to hear others' responses. I challenge you to think about what a worship is to you and how you best experience it.
So, as you can see, lunch bunch and the Jr. Staffers hold a dear place in my heart!
If you're reading out there, know that I'm thankful for each of you and our times shared together around the table!
Oh, ps - may I just say that sadly, Rebecca & I are the last 2 founding members still around.
Super Duper: Playground Grand Opening was super fun!
Super Pooper: I had already written this post and the whole thing got deleted!
Monday, July 07, 2008
...random thoughts...
...I have a newfound love for sweet potatoe fries...
...I wish ya'll would leave more comments...
...we are FINALLY opening the new Playground at church!!!
...I love comfy summer dresses...
...I have a TON of friends I need to catch up with!!! You know who you are, so lets make an effort to quit the marathon games of phone tag and actually catch eachother!!!
...I've been stressed lately at work...over little things...I don't like that...
...I have NO CLUE what classes I'm taking next semester...I need to figure that out...
...I wish I had more options of ways to do my hair, I like variety and so far its the same thing day after day after day...
...I hate summer rerun TV...
...Wall-E was weird, and kinda good... go and buy it, just trust me, you won't regret it...
...that's all for now...
Super Duper: going home this weekend -my 2 oldest sisters and all of their children are there as well!!!
Super Pooper: Deanna chose Jesse!!! Boooooo
...I wish ya'll would leave more comments...
...we are FINALLY opening the new Playground at church!!!
...I love comfy summer dresses...
...I have a TON of friends I need to catch up with!!! You know who you are, so lets make an effort to quit the marathon games of phone tag and actually catch eachother!!!
...I've been stressed lately at work...over little things...I don't like that...
...I have NO CLUE what classes I'm taking next semester...I need to figure that out...
...I wish I had more options of ways to do my hair, I like variety and so far its the same thing day after day after day...
...I hate summer rerun TV...
...Wall-E was weird, and kinda good... go and buy it, just trust me, you won't regret it...
...that's all for now...
Super Duper: going home this weekend -my 2 oldest sisters and all of their children are there as well!!!
Super Pooper: Deanna chose Jesse!!! Boooooo
Friday, July 04, 2008
...the hair...
I finally did it. I had been talking myself into a "big chop" for about 8 months. I had had long hair for some time. I was in a wedding in March and another in June, so I knew I wanted to keep it long for those weddings, but once those were over I was planning to donate my hair to lovs of love.
So this past Monday was the day. I had talked my friend, Kellie, into doing it with me. She had reeeeally long hair and was hesistant to chop it, but was up for it, since we were doing it together. So the time came, and we were both a little nervous. The end result, I think we are both surprised at how easy it was. Maybe because I had been talking myself into it for a while, but I don't regret it at all. I really like the new look, the light head, etc. About 2 years ago I had cut off 6 or 7 inches and went through some withdrawl, missing the long locks, but this time I think my hair had gotten too long, and I knew it was time for something new.
Admittedly, my hair might be a little shorter than I had anticipated, but I still like it, and it will soon grow and be the length I had in mind originally. I'm not sure how much ya'll cared to know the story of my hair, but I thought I'd document the experience, and share that this wasn't just a random impulse.
Super Duper: finally opening the NEW PLAYGROUND at church! Just planned the event - next Sunday, July 13!
Super Pooper: messy apartment (what else is new)
So this past Monday was the day. I had talked my friend, Kellie, into doing it with me. She had reeeeally long hair and was hesistant to chop it, but was up for it, since we were doing it together. So the time came, and we were both a little nervous. The end result, I think we are both surprised at how easy it was. Maybe because I had been talking myself into it for a while, but I don't regret it at all. I really like the new look, the light head, etc. About 2 years ago I had cut off 6 or 7 inches and went through some withdrawl, missing the long locks, but this time I think my hair had gotten too long, and I knew it was time for something new.
Admittedly, my hair might be a little shorter than I had anticipated, but I still like it, and it will soon grow and be the length I had in mind originally. I'm not sure how much ya'll cared to know the story of my hair, but I thought I'd document the experience, and share that this wasn't just a random impulse.
"There's no turning back now!"
In the office a few days later.
Super Duper: finally opening the NEW PLAYGROUND at church! Just planned the event - next Sunday, July 13!
Super Pooper: messy apartment (what else is new)
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