Wednesday, December 31, 2008
...last post of 2008...
The Christmas holidays have been great! Spent some great time at home, all 13 of us at my parents house for 3 days! Then my sisters with kiddos headed back to their homes on Christmas Eve, leaving just Kelly and I home on Christmas morning. It was actually kind of nice to have some down time after the chaos of everyone being home at one time!
The day after Christmas Kelly, my mom & I did some massive after Christmas shopping...IT WAS INSANE!!! I haven't shopped like that in a long time! It was like a re-Christmas!
Now I'm back in Houston, worked for a few days, dog sitting for Rebecca & her sister's dogs at their house. Then I'm headed back to visit my sisters for a few days in the Central Texas area, then back to Houston on Saturday, then gone again on Sunday to a retreat with fun Children's Ministry friends in a secluded cabin on a lake! It's so peaceful and nice to just get away! I can't wait!
That's my life from the past week and through the next week, I think that's plenty of info for now!
Oh, and if you're in google reader, click on over and see my new winter background! I'm obsessed with changing my motif!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have fun and be safe!
Super Duper: Just found out that Kristy, my 2nd oldest sister, is expecting #3!!! We're hoping for a girl, just because it's been so long since we've been able to shop for and dress a precious little girl, but of course, a boy would be fabulous too!
Super Pooper: Haven't slept in my own bed in almost 2 weeks, and it will be another week before I do! boooo
Friday, December 19, 2008
...signing off...
So, sorry to break it to you, but the pressure of posting every day is off...but maybe I'll still post often...we'll see with the holidays and all!
Super Duper: a Friday off
Super Pooper: need to clean and get things ready to leave town
Thursday, December 18, 2008 last Christmas party...
Tonight's party was for Preschool Leadership. It was at my boss' house and she took care of all the food! It was yummy and always fun to see people outside the walls of the church. It's nice to relax and talk to people about their lives, whereas we normally only have time to talk about church and Preschool related issues!
This is my 4th Christmas at Tallowood, which is hard to believe in some respects. Sometimes it feels like I just got out of college, and other times it seems like a lifetime ago....sigh, I'm not getting any younger. On January 2nd I will celebrate my 4 year anniversary at Tallowood.
Welp, that's all I got for now. Sorry for a slightly random post.
Super Duper: wrapped a few presents last night!
Super Pooper: apartment needs intense cleaning!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 crazy day...
the first one, was shocking and upsetting.
I don't usually check my school email very often, but have been recently because I'm dealing with some stuff about my classes next Spring. Anywho, I opened an email that informed me that my professor from this past semester had passed away! I initially thought I had read it wrong and just sat in my office in shock. He was a vibrant, crazy, hysterical, passionate, sweet little old man. Yes, this is the man that embarrassed me in front of the whole class about finding a husband, yes, this is the man that had our whole class out to his house North of Conroe and bought us all lunch at the Country Club. I just can't believe it. He was fine 2 weeks ago. Even brought his little girlfriend to class the day of the final. Needless to say I am very sad, but am glad that he was living a perfectly happy life up until the end. I hope to make it to the funeral on Friday.
So, I went about my day, taking care of things for an event we had tonight called Celebrate Jesus. We have a family with a little baby dress up as Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. They stand in a sweet little stable with hay and goats and sheep for children to come pet and take pictures with. We also have a riding camel and donkey, hot chocolate, cookies, ornaments to decorate, and costumes for them to dress up like little shepherds. It's precious, one of my favorite special events we do all year. It started at 5:30 and was supposed to go til 7:30. Until about 6:05 when all the power went out on the whole church campus. Granted, a lot of what we had going on was outside, we also had dinner in the pitch black gym. After the lights hadn't come back on after about 10 minutes our Education Minister made the decision that we had to close the event down :( I was super sad. A lot of families had just arrived and didn't have time to see Mary, Joseph & baby Jesus or ride any of the animals. It was such a bummer.
They have been doing major construction in the neighborhood and we think they hit a major line or transformer or something. Super lame coincidence of events :(
So, that was my weird day.
Super Duper: done with my Christmas shopping!
Super Pooper: high tuition for my Spring semester because I'm taking 2x as many hours as I normally do
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 house...
This is my favorite nativity scene! I just found the perfect spot for it this year!
This is another nativity scene that I love. It was my first to personally own. Preschool leadership gave it to me a few Christmases ago. It's made of Olive wood from the Holy Land! I leave it out all year round!
Last year Preschool leadership gave me this nativity, I guess they are starting me a collection! It's really cool and has this light underneath that shines different colors!
Another one of my favorite decorations is this bowl of ornaments. Jamie gave the bowl and the ornaments to me last year for Birthday/Christmas! Each ornament has a different word that describes me written in a cool font! Talk about cheesy, but I love it! Oh, and there's exactly 25 since I was 25 last year! I use the bowl year round too!
I have officially started collecting "JOY" Christmas items. This is a cookie/treat dish that spells out JOY. I have several ornaments and other items that are focused on the JOY that came to Earth that first Christmas!
Speaking of ornaments, here are a few of my faves:
gold chandelier that I got from my bloggy ornament exchange! I love it! Then, of course, I have a few ladybug ornaments that I love! And my newest Joy ornament that my sister bought me for my birthday!
Super Duper: only have one last present to buy for all the members of my family!
Super Pooper: wishing I were home for the holidays already
Monday, December 15, 2008
...dumb technology...
I found out that today was an online Christmas open house:

So I went around my apartment taking pics of my few Christmas decorations, all excited to share, and no laptop won't read my SD card, so I couldn't share my pics with you and participate in the Tour of Homes, but I'm going to do it a day late if I can upload my pics at the office tomorrow!
Also, I have continued to have major problems with the new electronic check-in system (see post from Nov 17) that we're using at the church, so we called the tech support AGAIN today. I'm sorry, but those people are idiots! No help at all. And on top of that she was rude about a few things! I seriously wanted to jump through the phone and hit her!!! UGH! And the worst part is, I didn't get any of my questions answered!
Super Duper: delicious brownie sundae tonight at a Christmas dinner I went to
Super Pooper: all staff luncheon tomorrow is at the same place as my dinner was tonight...what are the odds? I know, you're having trouble feeling sorry for me
Sunday, December 14, 2008
...cheesy Christmas movies...
I keep managing to catch these movies that I've never even heard of, possibly made for TV only.
It doesn't matter how cheesy is, how bad the acting is, how predictable it is, how unrealistic it is, if it's on TV, I'm watching it. I find that it gets me in the spirit.
A few that I've found myself watching are:
Surviving Christmas
I'll Be Home For Christmas (starring JTT - bonus points if you know who that is, leave a comment without clicking on the link I provided and let me know your guess)
The Santa Claus 2 (currently watching)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I picked up a few things yesterday running around town, and then today in Waco did a little bit of something my brother-in-law & I call impulsive buying...we're members of the IBC - Impulsive Buyers Club!
I'm down to only needing presents for 2 of the nephews and I know what I'm getting them, its just a matter of getting out and getting it!
Oh, I need ya'lls help, my mom wants a list of what I want for Christmas, but I can't come up with much. We're not supposed to ask for big things because our big thing is a plane ticket to Puerto Rico, so that means no I-phone, but I need other ideas, meaning $20-$50 range. I'd love some suggestions, nothing is coming to mind!
Sorry this is short, but my computer won't read my SD card so I can't share pics from the slumber party, and I'm uber tired from a crazy weekend!
Super Duper: yummy taco soup at church tonight
Super Pooper: Christmas sweets that probably add 5 lbs
Friday, December 12, 2008
...unexpected trip...
since she was out of town on her birthday her slumber party is tonight
she had asked Kelly & I to come, but we both had other plans
my plans feel through
then my sister called me in a bit of a meltdown on Wednesday
her little boy (Cole - 18 months) has been really sick & fussy
her husband just told her he is going out of town on a 3 day tournament, so he won't be there to help with the sick toddler and 7 little 7 years olds spending the night
aunt bubba to the rescue
i'm leaving shortly to head to Waco and surprise Ashlyn and prevent my sister from having a nervous breakdown
i know, i'm amazing
Super Duper: getting a little Christmas shopping done today
Super Pooper: won't be able to clean el apartmento or finish decorating my tree since I'm leaving town :(
Thursday, December 11, 2008
...tonight's Christmas party...
the best thing about this pic is this is the pastor shaking his finger at 3 of the young padawons, the funny thing is I'm sure they were having a lighthearted conversation, but I managed to capture the moment just right!
all in all, a great dinner, and always good to spend time together outside of the office
Super Duper: picked out a new purse today that is from my sister for my birthday!
Super Pooper: been super tired lately
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 gift exchange...
Katy (sister #1)
Brent (BIL #1)
Brady (nephew)
Blake (nephew)
Bradley (nephew)
Kristy (sister #2)
Trent (BIL #2)
Ashlyn (niece)
Cole (nephew)
Kelly (sister #3)
Brandon (future BIL #3)
We have thrown around the idea of drawing names, but none of us really like the idea of that. We love buying gifts for each other, but if we did resort to drawing names, how do you do it? Surely my parents wouldn't draw, they would still want to buy us all presents and we would still all buy them presents, and what about the kiddos? Do they draw too? I've heard of some people who draw by generation, so my sisters, BILs and I (7 total) would all draw for each other, and then the 5 kids would draw, but that would still leave my sisters who have kids buying a lot of presents.
So you tell me, how does it work?
Super Duper: IT'S SNOWING!!!
Super Pooper: having trouble registering for classes next Spring
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
...this is so worth watching...
Trust me, its worth it!
Click Here and enjoy!
Super Duper: feeling slightly better, allergies calming down
Super Pooper: was supposed to mail an ornament for my bloggy ornament exchange a week ago...oops!
Monday, December 08, 2008
1. Get married
2. Have kids
3. Travel
4. Be a tidy person
5. Own a house
6. Be a head Preschool/Children's Minister
7. Be in the center of God's Will
7 Things I Can Do...
1. Tell people what to do
2. Be extremely self centered
3. Watch hours of Gilmore Girls episodes
4. Pray on stage in front of 800+ people
5. Take instruction
6. Screen phone calls
7. Travel by myself on a regular basis
7 Things I Can Not Do...
1. Give up drinking Coke
2. Think before I speak
3. Work out on a regular basis
4. lose to Elaine in this blog-off
5. Pay my water bill on time
6. Expert level on DDR
7. Go too long without seeing my niece & nephews
7 Things I Say Most Often...
1. Stop IT!
2. Where do you want to eat?
3. I love you!
4. Talk to you later
5. Coffee?
6. I have a headache.
7. I'm thirsty.
7 Celebrity Crushes (ummm...this is a horrible question for me, I'm not all that star struck)
1. Gerard Butler (P.S. I Love You)
2. Hugh Jackman
3. Ty Pennington
4. Toby Mac
5. Colin Farrell (just for looks, I know, he's a jerk)
6. Matt Lauer
7. Jeff Probst
Tag: Teresa, Natalie, Janelle & Rebecca
Super Duper: got my nails done for my birthday!
Super Pooper: rough day
Sunday, December 07, 2008
...birthdays are inevitable...
- S-bucks giftcard waiting for me at church this morning from my boss, and a cute personalized protective sleeve for your coffee
- lunch with Rebecca & Kellie at Ciro's
- decorating my apt for Christmas with Rebecca
- amazing heated massage chair thing to put in your car
- fantabulous Christms party with Jr. Staff
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
...what day is today? today is Ashlyn's birthday!!!
2.Her name is ashlyn!!
3.She is 7!!
4.She is typing this!!
5.This is her!!
6. this is her when she is one (2002).

Thursday, December 04, 2008
...oh no he didn't!!!
Have I told ya'll about my professor who LOVES to give me a hard time about me finding a husband? It has been an ongoing joke all semester.
Let me remind you, there are 11 of us in the class plus the prof. Only one other female and she's a quiet 50 something Asian lady, the rest are all men, all married, except one. Well, earlier in the semester a few of the married men decided that the single guy and I needed to be set up. Let's just leave it that I didn't think this was the best idea.
So today, we're taking a group final (a whole other story), going around each answering a different question, and I kid you not, right in the middle of our test my prof says, "Wait a minute, we need to stop right now and pray for Kasey. She really needs to find a husband and we all need to pray for her. She has been really lonely and needs a companion." As he is saying this another guy is chiming in, "I've been praying for her all semester to find a husband." The whole class is laughing, I'm embarrassed, but cracking up, and the single guy's jaw is on the ground because he doesn't know about this ongoing joke.
So, I, not knowing really how to respond, decided to chime in and said, "Dr. Burns, that was a private conversation when I shared all of that with you," as if we had talked about this previously!!! Oh, it was awesome, everyone cracked up! He laughed and said, "Oh, Kasey, you got me!"
Everyone knew it was a joke, but it was still awkwardly embarrassing. Luckily this prof and I have a good relationship and can give each other a hard time! Not what you would typically expect to happen during a seminary final!
Super Duper: In Corpus celebrating Ashlyn's & my birthday!
Super Pooper: Still don't have a gift for Ash!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
...lack of motivation...
This is what I keep telling myself: One. More. Year!
I just took a take home final with 3 essays & some other short answer & matching with minimal preparation. Ooops.
Oh, did I mention it was a take home final in which you couldn't use your notes or text, all on the honor system...yeah, good ole seminary! ugh! I did it, but it wasn't fun!
So, onto one more semi-easy final tomorrow.
Then home to CC for Friday & Saturday.
I'll catch you up on life soon, I promise!
Super Duper: Susan surprised me with an early cake tonight at our meeting/ornament exchange
Super Pooper: got a lame ornament at tonight's ornament exchange
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
...the challenge...
Who can go the longest?
So bring it on, my friend! We'll see how long we last! Any suggestions on what the winner gets?
In the mean time, those of you who read this blog, and FFF will benefit by us posting more, while they may be silly and trivial, more posts you shall receive.
May the best blogger win! Oh, I guess I should ask you, do you accept the challenge, or are you scared? Anyone else that participated in NaBloPoMo want in on the challenge?
Super Duper: just found out one of my finals is a take home test
Super Pooper: not sure if that means we can use our notes or not, so I don't know how much we're supposed to study...booooo