Monday, November 30, 2009
done deal
no mas
last post
30 in 30
Nov is over
as is nablopomo
I did it, it was rough at times, but I made it through.
Random thought/fact of the day: I still haven't gotten out my Christmas decorations...and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to. If it doesn't happen tomorrow, then it's not going's just so hard to be motivated to do it when I'm literally the only one who will see it or appreciate it...we'll see...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
So, this year, I'm going to make a personal effort to really participate in this Advent season. Yes, I want to look forward to Christmas, but I also want to experience the preparation to get there. I love Christmas, I think most people do, but this year I hope to experience it in a new and fresh way. You know how we always say Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. Well, I'm going to start saying "Joyous Advent."
Side note: I'm also really excited because I'm already mostly done with my Christmas shopping and am super excited about most of the presents I'm giving. It occured to me that God must have been even moreso excited about giving us the gift of His Son. So this year as you give gifts, I hope that you can be excited and can remember what a precious gift that baby boy, God in human form, was to each and every person.
So, Joyous Advent!
Oh, and here's a picture my sister took on Thanksgiving Day. Man, I really need a camera!
Random thought/fact of the day: I'm speaking in chapel tomorrow at my soon to be alma mater, SWBTS, Houston campus. It's not a big deal, but if you think about it, shoot up a prayer for me!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
My gracious Heavenly Father. You know, at different time in our life I think we appreciate different characteristics of God. Of course I am thankful for His unending love, His saving grace and His hand of protection in my life, but this year, at this point in my life, I am learning to appreciate His faithfulness to me, personally, each day. My God has been with me each step of my life, guiding me, preparing a way for me, and He will continue to be faithful as He shows me each day what He has for me and how He wants to use me to bring honor and praise to His name!
Ofcourse I am thankful for an amazing family. Don't get me wrong, we're not perfect, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. My parents are always supportive, my sisters are always available and the kiddos are always good for a laugh. I love love love spending time with them all and am so grateful that we all live within just a few hours drive of eachother.
I am thankful for an amazing church family, a wonderful place to serve. It's amazing that I've been there almost 5 years now. It's a place I feel at home, a place I feel invested. I am ever grateful for how much I have learned in these first 5 years of ministry.
Of course I am thankful for dear friends in my life. I am thankful for those friends that I share life with day in and day out. Those friends that walk through stuff with me. Friends that I call when I'm stressed or excited or sad or confused. Friends that I laugh with and yes, sometimes even cry with. I am thankful for friends I share ministry with, a great group of Jr. Staffers. I am thankful for old friends that know me. Friends that make an effort to keep in touch.
I know this all sounds generic, but it's very true in my life! I'm also thankful to God for all of the provisions in my life. He has given me a job that I love, a safe place to live, a new car to drive and food each day.
My gracious heavenly Father is so abundantly generous to me.
Random thought/fact of the day: I'm so excited, I've already gotten 2 birthday presents!!! A fun new blingged out belt for the rodeo, and seasons 9 & 10 of Friends (a collection I've always wanted, but never started)! Fun times!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
Sorry for the quick post. Nablopomo is killing me, but I can't quit now, right?
Random thought/fact if the day: I tried sweet potato pie for the first time today. It was good, but not life changing, or anything like that.
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Thursday, November 26, 2009
Unexpected Thanksgiving Day
Peeled potatoes
Made 2 out of 3 layers for Strawberry Pretzle Salad
Prepared the Asparagus
Baked the rolls
Set the table - this I do normally help with
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did! Even though my mom was down for the count, which she is feeling much better now.
Random thought/fact of the day: I have THE best nieces & nephews in the world. Soooo sorry I didn't get any pics with my phone today to share.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Soooo tempted to quit
Goodnight. Sorry, that's all I got in me. Look forward to some pics of the 3rd annual Thanksgiving Day Cousin Parade!
Random thought/fact of the day: my family eats fried turkey for Thanksgiving, and I love it!
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
...Single Moment #5...
This really isn't a complaint, I'm grateful to have girlfriends to hang out with that are willing to kick the guys to the curb for a girl's night out!
Random thought/fact of the day: I found a pair of pants today that I had totally forgotten about since last Winter!!! Always a fun find!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Cutting it close
In other news, I lost my FF game...BY ONE POINT!!!! Heartbreaking! If I had only played a different Tight End...if, if, if...
Random thought/fact of the day: I heard recently that if you have the hiccups and someone walks up to you and says, "purple," that the randomness of it will distract your mind and you will no longer have the hiccups. My dad ALWAYS tried to scare the hiccups out of us...maybe this is the same tactic, but with different execution? Thoughts on this? Please share!
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
...a good 2 days...
Then today I had a necklace party to show my sisters' stuff. We had a good group show up and sold lots of stuff, I think they'll be pleased! It was fun to have people come and be so complimentary of their stuff. I knew I liked it, but it's fun to hear that other people do too! The only bummer was that I had to miss my Sunday afternoon nap!
This week should be relatively quick and quiet. Of course, I'll be wishing the whole time that I was already in Temple with my parents & sisters & the kiddos, but all in due time.
Here's to hoping my Fantasy Football team pulls off a win!
Random thought/fact of the day: I've been slightly stuffy/congested/sore throat for a few days now. Mainly worse at night and in the morning, you know, that type of thing. Thankfully it's not slowing me down too much thought. Hopefully I'll kick it in the next few days and it doesn't develop into anything!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
...productive weekend???
- find subs to help in preschool on Sunday morning - check!
- make belt buckle for my sisters' jewelry business - check!
- clean out closet in bedroom - not so much
- get out Christmas decorations - nopers
- pick up a few things for a shower I'm helping host tomorrow - check!
- get a few groceries for some dips I'm going to make, and pick up a few other things - check!
- lounge and enjoy my day off - most definately, check!
- have the maintenance guy come and check my toilet, the handle part isn't working, yes I can still use the toilet, just have to remove the lid to make it flush...annoying - check!
OK, now it's time for a story. A self depricating story, but hopefully it makes you laugh, and therefore is worth my humliation.
So, this morning I had a trashbag with food in it that needed to be taken out. Of course, I live in an apartment and the dumpster is in the corner of the parking lot. Not terribly far from my apartment, but far enough that it's out of my way. I was headed out to get some Starbucks as a treat on my day off and took the previously mentioned trash bag down with me on my way to S-bucks.
When I stepped outside I realized it was raining, not the best time to take the trash out, but I didn't want to leave the bag with food in it in my apartment. Often times I will just walk over to the dumpster, toss the trash, and then back to my car. Yes, it involves some backtracking. So, sometimes, in attempt to
Sorry if I didn't do a good job describing this. I just wanted to know, am I the only one that does stuff like this? If you live in an apartment and have done similar acts, please share!
Random thought/fact of the day: My sister, Katy, and I have decided that we will brave the crowds and join all the crazies that will be out early on Black Friday for amazing deals!!! This is only my second year to join the madness, hoping to nock off another good chunk of names on my Christmas list. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
PS - I updated my blogger editor, but now there's no spell check. Anyone out there know what happened to it?
Friday, November 20, 2009's to do list...
- find subs to help in preschool on Sunday morning
- make belt buckle for my sisters' jewelry business
- clean out closet in bedroom
- get out Christmas decorations
- pick up a few things for a shower I'm helping host tomorrow
- get a few groceries for some dips I'm going to make, and pick up a few other things
- lounge and enjoy my day off
- have the maintenance guy come and check my toilet, the handle part isn't working, yes I can still use the toilet, just have to remove the lid to make it flush...annoying
Random thought/fact of the day: I heard today that Nestle, the main company that provides canned pumpkin, had a bad crop year and it is expected that there will be a shortage of canned pumpkin in the grocery stores. So you better load up now!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
...Single Moment #4...
The first thing I had to do was circle my title: Miss (yes, I'm single)
Then on the name line these were the items I had to include: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Maiden Name (thanks for the reminder, I'm not married, my maiden name IS my last name)
After I had given them my home and office addresses it asked for my spouse's information. I'll have to leave that area blank, thanks for rubbing it in.
The next question was, "Is spouse a graduate of SWBTS?" What spouse? Please note previous section is BLANK!!!
The next section wanted information on my children. I'm relatively sure that if I had children, but wasn't married, I wouldn't have been admitted to SWBTS (unless there were extenuating circumstances). So no, I'm not married, and I don't have kids.
So far all of these various questions reguarding my marital status were not particularly bothersome, seemed somewhat normal. The next section was by far the icing on the cake. The next 3 questions read as follows (note: answers in blue are how I wanted to respond):
If you are single, do you plan to get married in the next 3 months? It's opptimistic, but I suppose anything is possible.
What is his/her name? Mr. Right
Hope you got as big a kick out of that as I did...yet another moment where I felt extremely single, good thing I can laugh about it. Good times, good times.
Random thought/fact of the day: Sarah Beth Rowe is my favorite blogger because she often leaves comments. Sorry guys, don't take offense, just let it inspire you to join her in leaving more comments!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
- Facebook (obviously)
- Self created link to Google Reader
- Phase 10
- Words With Friends (if you play this let me know! my profile name is kberry)
- Fantasy Football
- Mapquest
- Scramble
- Oregon Trail
- Pandora
- ebay (keeps up with items you are watching or selling)
- blogpress (posts blogs from iphone)
Those are my faves. If you have an iphone, what are your fave apps? Please share!
Random thought/fact of the day: I had to type 2010 for the first time today, that was a weird moment. Ready or not, here it comes.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
...Christmas shopping...
Mom: check
Brent: check
Katy: check
Kristy: check
Trent: check
Cole: check
Macie: check
Kelly: check
Susan: check
Rebecca: check
Do you realize that I have 10 out of 16 people checked off the list! Let me just tell you, it's an amazing feeling! I usually get so super stressed about finding presents for so many people, and I want it to be just the right thing for each person, but having so many people checked off is a great feeling (that is until I look at my checking account). And the best part is, most of the presents I have already bought, I'm super excited about and can't wait to give it to them!
Random thought/fact of the day: I found out today that since I'll be celebrating 5 years of service at Tallowood in January, I will also pick up an extra 5 days of vacation each year!!! Woohoo! I'm already dreaming of a fantastic vacation!
Monday, November 16, 2009 times at the BGCT...
First, remember how I had to be at the church at 7am this morning to meet the bus that would take us to the George R. Brown Convention Center? Well, I was nice and on time myself, but 2 of my friends could not say the same. I had spoken with my friend Claire last night about getting to the church on time, so when the bus started to pull out without her, I shouted to LH, the guy in charge, that I thought Claire was still coming. LH said she would just have to meet us there, we were leaving. So I called her to see where she was. She said she was turning onto the street that the church is on. So I told LH, and he said we would wait. Whew, she was cutting it close. But then when she got on the bus she asked where Micah was. We said he wasn't there yet, that he was going to have to meet us at the Convention Center. She called him and he said he was exiting the freeway for the church. LH said we couldn't wait. So we pulled out from the church and passed him at the corner, but there was no going back. He didn't end up coming. Oh, the drama! I don't think he wasn't too happy that we didn't stop for him!
So, we were all given matching white button up shirts with a green Tallowood logo on it. Since I was out of town this weekend, I didn't get my shirt til this morning. Well, I wanted a women's large, but all my friend was able to get me was a women's XL. I was a bit disappointed, but figured it would work. That was until I put it on. Something wasn't right. This thing was H-U-G-E. Oh, wait, it's a men's XL. I'm not kidding. Can you say potato sack? Thankfully, Claire had also picked up a shirt for Micah, who wasn't coming any longer, and he had a men's large. So at least I could downsize to the large. It was still huge, but I rolled up the sleeves and tied a ribbon to cinch the shirt and add a little style. Trust me, it wasn't ideal, but it was the best I could do.
Ok, one more funny story from the day, that may or may not translate well in text, but trust me, it was hilarious at the time. So, as greeters, we were given booklets with all the information we could possibly need if someone asked us a question. My friends and I were stationed by the escalator, sending participants on up to the 3rd floor. Claire had dropped her book on the floor, just inches from her feet. She was sick of holding it, and figured it was fine for the book to just sit on the floor near her. She was wrong. Randomly, as a man is walking past her, he reaches down, picks up her book, takes it and keeps on walking. I'm not kidding. He didn't say a word to her, ask her if it was her book, nothing. Claire was so stunned she couldn't say anything. We just stared at each other trying to figure out if that had really happened, then we busted out laughing.
Other than that, it was just fun to see lots of people I knew from growing up in Corpus. Some of my parent's good friends, former pastors at FBC, Corpus and even my Aunt was there! Super fun!
Random thought/fact of the day: update on my complaint about my iphone cover...they are sending me a new one!!! I'm so excited! I guess it should be here later this week! I'm very impressed with this company!
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Crazy shopping day
Random thought/fact of the day: this is the lady who writes the Twilight series, who looks amazingly like me. What do you think?

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Who's idea was this anyways?
Random thought/fact for the day: I found out tonight, I like goat cheese (at least at the restaurant that I went to tonight).
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Friday, November 13, 2009
2 hours late
Random thought/fact for the day: my less than 5 month old car has 8,000 miles on it already! Sad day!
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My day today

Then we tried to get lunch at my fave place in Corpus. Apparently they aren't open for lunch anymore :( so we went to another yummy Corpus icon.
Then I spent some time with this lovely little family. Meet Haydn Walker Priour:

I'm home now and have to get cleaning because my mom and her friends are staying at my apt on Friday night.
Random thought/fact of the day: I much prefer having someone ride in the car with me on a trip. It was fun having you on the trip, Abby!
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
No time to spare
Random thought/fact for the day: my boss and my mom have strange similarities. Is there a deeper psychological meaning in that?
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Monday, November 09, 2009
...random tidbits of information...
...I get to see Jeff, Erin & baby Haydn!!! mom called last night to tell me that she and 2 of her friends are coming to Houston this weekend and are staying at my apartment. WHAT? My place is a mess and I'm not even going to be here! Yikes! Better get cleaning!
...when I got my haircut the other day, she trimmed my bangs, but I had gotten used to not having them because they had grown out, and now they are driving me nuts!
...yesterday when I checked the mail there was a circular that had a coupon for chick-fil-a, you best believe I rummaged through the trashcan that is right by the mailboxes and found 4 more coupons!!! It's not as gross as it sounds, the trashcan is only used for discarded junk mail. I bet I'm not the only one that's done this. Admit it, you're shaking your head, thinking, "Yup, I've done that!" looks like I got another W for this week in my ff league!
...unfortunately I am going to be here there and everywhere this week, so you should lower your expectations for my posts this week! I will post every day, but it may be several lame posts in a row, and for that I apologize, but it can't be helped.
...I hope Donny Osmond wins DWTS!
...I'm beyond disappointed that Jake is the next Bachelor!
That's all for now folks.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
...fantasy football...
This is actually my 4th season to have a fantasy football team. My old friend Will started a league 3 years ago among the Jr. Staffers (Associates) in the office.
I think the league has usually had 8 teams, 2 or 3 of which were represented by girls like myself, that really don't have a clue about the NFL, certain players, positions, etc. Yet, we chose to participate.
The first 2 years that I played, the only thing I enjoyed about the league had nothing to do with fantasy football. You see, in any Yahoo fantasy football league, each team in the league has a logo for their team. Most people just use the typical football helmet and you can use 2 colors to distinguish your team. But there is another, far superior, option for your logo. You can also create an avatar that represents your team. For those of you who do not know, an avatar is a computer generated character that you can dress up. You can alter the hairstyle, eye color, facial expression, outfit, background environment, etc. There are crazy costumes they can wear, seasonal outfits, pets, sports equipment, etc.
So, for the first 2 years I played FF, all I cared about was my avatar. Each week my dear friend, Rebecca, and I, would dress up our avatar in a new outfit. We barely even knew the names of the players on our teams, but you can rest assured that our avatars looked awesome. Each week would would try a new hairstyle, change our skin tone, add some accessories, whatever struck our fancy that week. Right now my avatar is dressed like a pilgrim with the Mayflower floating behind her.
Last year, for the first time, I actually decided to take slight interest in my team. Don't get me wrong, I didn't put too much time into it, but this guy I knew from college would look at my team for me and make some suggestions about who to play and who to bench, nothing too intense, mind you.
This year, I've gone off the deep end! It all started with the draft. The guy who is now in charge of the Jr. Staff league at Tallowood, insisted that we do a live online draft this year. I was very resistant to this idea, but was forced to get on board. So, I called my dad and asked him for advice on who to draft first, which teams to watch for, which positions to worry about, etc. Well, after I had put that much effort into drafting my team, you best believe I was going to want to maintain my team and be sure that I was playing a solid team each week. And so it began, my dad became my agent. He looks up stuff online about different teams and players. He reads the paper and suggestions on fantasy websites. So far, I've done pretty well. I've had 2 rough weeks where a few of my players just decided to stink it up, but my 6-2 record has me in 3rd place. And actually, I'm watching a game right now, hoping my player does well...what have I turned into?
Side note: my friend, Rebecca, is in first place, 7-1, and she still doesn't care a lick, barely knows who is on her team. They guys hate it that she is winning!
Random thought/fact for the day: Got my haircut know how much I love being pampered!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Lazy day
Mo Pro Joe was a lot of work, but really awesome!
Today I did as little as possible.
Better post tomorrow, I promise.
Random thought/fact for the day: The quesadilla from Freebirds is very messy!
Bonus fact: The movie "Dance Flick" is ridiculously lame. Turned it off after about 20mins.
-- Posted from my iPhone
Friday, November 06, 2009
Single moments
Single moment #1: When the man taking pictures for the church directory tells me to get my family together and come take our picture. Dude, you're looking at my family!
Single moment #2: When eating dinner with all couples and when the check comes, telling the waitor everyone is paired up, except you, you'll be on a ticket by yourself!
Single moment #3: After church on Sunday when your normal lunch buddy is out and you don't have a built in person to eat lunch with.
Random thought/fact for the day: When I order potatoe skins at a restaurant, I use sour cream, ranch dressing and ketchup. Yes, all in one bite.
-- Posted from my iPhone
Thursday, November 05, 2009
...quick post...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
...spontaneous trip...
Here's the deal. When we moved into our new building with all new furniture, we had A. LOT. of furniture to give away. Several churches came and claimed their portion of the furniture. One of the churches that we had set aside some furniture for was a church in Corpus. For the past 18 months, we have stored the furniture for them, waiting for them to find a time and money to get a truck up to Houston to get the furniture.
It hasn't been a huge deal, so we have continued to store the furniture. Anyway, long story short, the place where we are storing the furniture is being rented out and now we really have to get rid of the furniture. I told my friend from the church, if they couldn't come get the furniture soon, we'd have to give it to someone else. She understood and said we should probably just let someone else have it. As sad as this made me, I didn't think we had another choice.
When I told my boss that we needed to find another church or group that could use the remaining furniture, she was equally as sad. She suggested that we pay for the cost of renting a van/truck for them to come get the furniture. Then we began dreaming about us driving a van down there and personally delivering the furniture!!! Super fun!!!
So, that's what we're doing! We'll head out Tuesday after lunch, deliver the furniture, stay with my parents and then head back to Houston some time on Wednesday! This is a rather small church that will really be blessed by this furniture! I can't wait to help them set it up!
I can't wait to show Susan and Joe a little bit of where I grew up! I'm sure I'll do a follow up post next week, with it being nablopomo and all...
Random thought/fact of the day: I'm very afraid that my Christmas shopping is going to sneak up on me!!! Trying to think ahead and spread out the spending...but it's so hard when you have a family as big as mine! Gotta get on it!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
...returns & exchanges...

Monday, November 02, 2009
...swap party...

It was SUPER fun to see your friends get so excited about getting "new" pants or shirts or purses. I'm not sure if it always works this way, but we had a good range of sizes and things that no longer fit one person, looked GREAT on another friend! Seriously, a few of the girls walked out with several bags of loot! The whole process was just really fun, trying on clothes, making outfits, saying, "oh, this would look great on you, try it on!"
I've been carrying a purse I got at the swap and have gotten several compliments on it! I also just watched a movie that I picked up at the swap and thoroughly enjoyed it! I would highly recommend the swap, and if you decide to have one, invite me!
Random thought or comment for the day: I just found out tonight that my hair stylist lives right below me! Seriously! We ran into each other in the parking lot tonight! That reminds me, I need a haircut!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
...first of many...
In case any of you were wondering, my annual Hallo"wii"n costume party was canceled :( So no fun pics to share this year, which would have been challenging anyways seeing as how I don't have a camera right now. But for those of you who were wondering, I was going to be an iphone! I was really excited about my costume and already purchased a few things to begin constructing it, but at the last minute, we had to cancel our party, for various reasons.
Last night my church tried a different version of a "Fall Festival", one that has been used at many churches for several years now, Trunk or Treat. Of course, trying something new usually takes some getting used to, but it was a huge hit! The cars looked great, the kids were cute and had a great time! Of course the inflatables were popular and everyone loves some cotton candy and popcorn on a night like last night. Oh, and the weather was AMAZING!!! Awesome night to spend outside!
OK, well, I'll be seeing you soon. Same time, same place, tomorrow! (Yeah, I know, I'm a nerd!)